Bri's feed

Bri created a topic of Bound to Be

Listen, his whole 'We're not that serious don't read into it but also wtf with your cousin" is kind of understandable to me. This is not a normal relationship from whatever angle you see it.
Seojin's parents committed actual religious murder and now he's getting it on with the future leader of a cultish clan...and his weird cousin. Like, only under those circumstances i get it if a man push and pulls like this.
This is a relationship that by all means is supposed to end, Seojin is an outsider who is only temporarily staying and Yonhee is about to basically marry his kind of attitude should anyone have in this context?? Seojin knows that getting serious with Yonhee is a pipedream, and want's to prevent them both from getting there, because a serious Yonhee is a dangerous one and he's not interested in getting hurt again by crazy shit. He's trying to protect himself but like any classic 18 yo ass, his dick does the thinking for him.
Oh, and i would also get creeped out/annoyed by my "friend with benefits?"'s cousin if this were the kind of relationship they had.
I feel for Yonhee, being 16 and in love with a player completely beats being raised a literal clan leader-snake god vessel for your cult. Even tho he knows "humans are disposable" "we must not defile the god" "suffering is currency" 'you are the supreme leader/god' "family is most important" he can't help his own feelings and is trying so hard to keep Seojin by his side.
It must hurt like a bitch to be left behind by the only person you ever loved (and will ever love) while they go on to have other relationships as if nothing happened.
I love Summer