I’m literally confused why people dislike Cain. Only bc he looks “sus” and gives that one angry eye look isn’t enough for me. He genuinely cares for Jooin. And doesn’t take advantage of him like Yahwi does. Yahwi is abusive emotionally and physically. Cain only respects and listens to Jooin. Even if we don’t know his reason for coming to Korea I don’t think he’s going there for a bad reason.

Cain is not as trash as Yahwi. Yahwi is legit a fuckin dumpster and I think it sucks you go for the stinkiest and rotten of men. Tsunderes can be cute but Yahwi just isn’t. He’s toxic as fuck and only thinks about himself. Y’all just picking and choosing what’s sus about Cain when there is actually nothing sus about him. And in the end if he actually is worthy of being sus AT LEAST HE ACTUALLY GAVE A FUCK ABOUT JOOIN. CAIN BEING “SUS” CANT BE WORSE THEN YAHWI RAPING JOOIN AND SEXUALLY HARRASING HIM
I wanted to see then fuck one more time