Zombiegirl created a topic of You Are So Lovely

I’m tired of this trop ngl I always think about how it’s kinda weird and how they got this fat age gap between them and ones gonna be much older and fry and die before the other

Oh my gosh him crying as a puppy is melting my heart

Zombiegirl created a topic of Someone Stop Her!

This didn’t make me horny one bit, it made me mad instead,check for an std brother and while your at it chop you dick in half

First time seeing the red head as the main lead , rare phenomenon

Zombiegirl created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Stab him right now … WHO SAID THAT!!!!

Zombiegirl created a topic of Driver's High

This is absolutely adorable don’t get me wrong I love this
but this manwha is of the curse I call « we met when we were kids and we didn’t know or we are childhood friends ». Making me believe love does not exist unless you’ve known each other as kids lol

Zombiegirl created a topic of yukue fumei

I love how this artist art for so much better I adore it

Zombiegirl created a topic of IRAS O

I wish the plot was actually explained and not so random feels like I’m on chapter 28 and I don’t even know it

Zombiegirl created a topic of Lucky Paradise

He babygirled him so hard and he wasn’t even the one to get dicked down hahahahahah

Zombiegirl created a topic of Monday'saviour
Zombiegirl created a topic of 19 Days
Zombiegirl created a topic of Thirst

Why is everyone so freaking horny lmao

Zombiegirl created a topic of Jinx

I love how were always wishing for mc to not go with ml because he’s obviously not the best pick of the litter but we all know deep down they will end up together cause it’s literally confirmed but still im living for this ignoring situation going on and I wonder what
jk´ reaction will be to doc Dan’ drinking habits

If I was in this situation the the story would be different but I’m not…and I can tell
cause what is this mess

Zombiegirl created a topic of I'm Here, Beside You

If I was mc I would not confess like I would feel so weird like I’m taking or stealing him from the personne he was meant to be with yk

Zombiegirl created a topic of Red String Quests

I thought black hair would be bottom but I’m so happy he’s not yayayayayaay I mean i wouldn’t care really but I like when my assumptions are wrong cause it’s a nice surprise

Zombiegirl created a topic of Bittersweet Howling

You can so notice the art style change in this chapter lmao

Zombiegirl created a topic of No Returns After Use

Bro back up your dick is like 4cm with fucking nubs get out of here lmao