Zombiegirl created a topic of Jinx

But with him it’s d-d-d-d-d-different. SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPP

Zombiegirl created a topic of Pieta (DAONG)

Why is his dick as big as the Empire State Building tf

Zombiegirl created a topic of Kuchi no Naka no Shita

Ratings on this site are whack

Zombiegirl created a topic of The Heart of the Lotus

Why couldn’t he be the good type of fucked up

Zombiegirl created a topic of Monday'saviour

Y’all got recs like this

Zombiegirl created a topic of Dreadful Night

I hope they stay into each other even if it’s some really bad news

Zombiegirl created a topic of Pond with flowers

Oh so now he’s gonna fuck this guys …oh brother

Zombiegirl created a topic of 7 Confessions

Y’all got recs like this

Zombiegirl created a topic of Sketch

I hope they don’t actually get into a fight but Joobin is so more in the wrong

Zombiegirl created a topic of Sandwich Paradox

I didn’t even see that they’re were three people urrrggggghhhh can we stop making love triangles for the love of god

Zombiegirl created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

I hope they’re like weirdly obsessed with each other in a fucked up way iykyk

I think this is the same artist as that one pole romance story with the three guys

Zombiegirl created a topic of Cry Me a River

Lmao for a sec I though the ambulance was for mc hahahah fucked him to the er

Zombiegirl created a topic of Bait

I fuck with this a lot but am I the only one who feels this is a bit fast paced

Zombiegirl created a topic of The Shape Of Us

Why is he crying like you can join them buddy he for sure got some issues like it’s making questions if he really wants this

Why are you acting nice to the guy who was about to rape you and saying he didn’t do anything to him is an understatement cause he licked throughly okay

I’m trying to think how I’d deal with a bf like this. Like on one hand if I had to sooth my man each time he got jealous over every minuscule thing it would be annoying but if I knew he’d be my lover for the rest of time , get amazing sex, a partner who literally only has eyes for and wasn’t I’m gonna lock you up possessiveness but I get jealous and horny mad then maybe but still gentle then would I take it has a it come with the package type deal idk

Zombiegirl created a topic of PLACEBO: Let's Play

Okayyyy….. that was dramatic

Zombiegirl created a topic of Monday'saviour

That was one hell of a orgasme