I hope he regrets every word that comes out of his mouth in the future
They just can’t seem to stop adding fuel to the fire
No this guy does not deserve love tf he did not hesitate to almost hit a women himself, like watch hold his anger if we keep on with this pair
I hope the sister ain’t got nothing against her brother being gay cause she seems so annoyed with the fact lmao
Can we talk about how well the artist draws anatomy ,
Selfish romance is right both their exs are pure garbage . I want to bash her head in so bad ,her stupid fucking smile is aggravating honest. I don’t care if she got some trauma that made her have a panic attack I want her to be lonely and sadddddddd the only pity I have is that she get with white polyester and live her peculiar romance with him
G-g-g-g-g-g-g-get it girlllllll . You slayed literally
Yeah you guys are the best of friends , bffs for like , 4lifers not romantic in the slightest just two guys who have a platonic relationship XD
Yesss pink hair stayyyy I fuck with it so much the black hair is nice but the pink feels right
There aren’t even any happy chapters I can go to , to feel better about their relationship, except maybe the drunk chapter but even then it’s so short ┗( T﹏T )┛
I’m gonna go bald by the time next chapter comes cause I need to know what’s gonna happen
She purpled headed bitch needs to back up and find herself a new man like mister silver head they fit perfectly together two assholes reunited into one ginormous asshole
I literally don’t give a fuck about his backstory with his “wife” HAHAHAHAHAHA
If that was the last chapter it would have been a crazy line to end the series lmaoooo