Ian this Ian that bla-bla-bla these bitches are soooooo CUTEEEEEEEE like sttwwwwaaaappppp got me gigling and shit. Waiting for things things to go down hill is so funn ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ savoure this moment
Okay but like we didn’t address how other host knew exactly what the date of ml and mc was like because that’s kinda where the problem started cause it seemed that ml was doing this with other customers so hopefully we get that cleared up next chapter Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) hope my comment makes sense lol
Red eyes better back up cause idk why I feel like his ass is gonna I tried especially after this fiasco that I would comment on more but won’t
Bro do I not know how to write lmao I meant, I feel like he’s gonna do something cause thee way the author interred him was suspicious lol
Right? First, I was like uh... Is he an ex, but then it felt like he went sparkly eyes a bit for Naui
Right its always in the eyes lmao