Theory five of the, will posses him one at a time and fulfill their freakiness for ml and then leave or 5 eyeballs are like a part of mc in some way idk lol
He’s acting way too familiar like I get what he means but he legit hase no place to talk cause you don’t know her like that anyway peep boyfriend next two chapters hopefully get this wacko off our asses end get a good ending
I cannot defend this omd like you could have sucked his blood from his arm and KISS HIM this author should have stayed on hiatus lmao whenever I’ll read this I’ll read it as a joke cause that’s what it is now
Everytime this updates I will not miss my chance to hate on this blond cockroach. When we Get back to the present I better see him get fucking knocked out or something
Didn’t realize it was this author until chapter 5 hahahah can’t wait to see what happens next