For people who say that the story is still good. I want you to sit and compare season 1 and season 2
Season 2 (which Byeonduck has to sit and rethink) has dragged and in my opinion is poorly written compared to season 1.
1. Where is Inhun?
2.The kidnapping was a ploy for Nakyum to be abused by Seungho because he didn't believe him. All that build up from the season 1 ending for it to be that, Seungho gets upset and Nakyum gets abused.
3. Jiwha could be an excellent character but he is being used, and doesn't have common sense to see that Min is using him...to the point that he is annoying.
4. She forgot what type of personalities her characters have. Look at Nakyum and Seungho from season 1 and compare them to season 2. Nakyum has scared of Seungho but still had a stubborn personality. Now he's a person who cries in almost every single chapter of season 2 to the point that it is irritating. Seungho was a smart, sly and cunning man to he is now a angry brute who doesn't think anything through. I get it that he has to do some soul searching but really?
5. What about Seungho's brother and father?
It's a lot ot things she has to work on. I don't believe people are upset that it isn't a lovely story. They are sick of the same scenes over and over and the plotholes in the story.

I am sure we will see him soon.... I think everything went smoothly. From jihwa's jealousy that led him to doing cruel things to nakyum. Don't underestimate the power of jealousy. Jealousy is pure evil... It destroys the mind and darkens the soul. And people like jihwa exist in the real life, they are emotionally weak and get easily deceived.
For nakyum, going through all those trauma will break him, which it did. He got tired of everything and we saw he was initially a crybaby in the past. That stubborn character was just fake...
Seungho is a broken man. He is still smart though but love can mess with your mind. That's what happened to him. All those sly and cunning attitudes are just a facade. Man is dead inside.... He wants to feel warmth and love but doesn't know how....
His father and brother shall soon appear too. We can't rush things... Patience and watch everything unfold....

My only rebuttal is to ur 4th point about the personalities cuz I feel like throughout season 1 they’re individual personalities are just beginning to interact and you have to remember that their season 2 personalities/reactions are a result of their previous interactions and them dealing with the new situations that are occurring because these two were brought together! While it may be irritating that they changed it’s not because the author forgot how to write their characters it’s because the characters are in fact changing! They’re stressed out and confused and mentally unstable! I like you’re points but it’s still an entertaining story (to me) and nothing is perfect;)

Ya'll forgive too easily. Nah, chowoon deserves this. He deserves to hurt for what he did in the past. Sorry, not sorry. Some good dick doesn't change people overnight. I hope he realizes what he has done because clearly, he hasn't based on this chapter. Maybe this will be the true experience to make him really take his therapy seriously and end this toxic behavior over Dojun. Simply getting with Kyungsoo isn't going to fix him.

Well well well, just last week, you all were upset with Chanwoo for being inconsiderate about MD's feelings and shoving a guy he wants to date in his face but now because MD slapped Chanwoo during their play, you all are upset. I mean, I get it. Slaps to the face are seen as abusive. Is MD in his feelings? Most likely, but Chanwoo is extremely self-centered. He never thought of this guy may be using me, he only seen that guy for his looks. He never considered the fact that he may have broken MD's heart. He only thinks that MD is upset that it would ruin the BDSM relationship. Plus, he gave consent to the play and can easily back out. He chose not to, and MD has done worse to him. People see the slap as abusive, I don't. But people have opinions....

Well to clear stuff up.
People were sad about Chanwoo being inconsiderate because they wanted them to be the main couple.
Now the you may be confused as to why the slap was a huge turn off to alot of people.
Well for starters bdsm isn't just about people doing crazy shit.
The two people involved gain something out of it.
The purpose to to give each other pleasure and explore each other's kinks while being able to feel safe.
The slap didn't seem to bring chanwoo any pleasure.
It almost feels like he's trying to manipulate him into being with him.
He gave consent to feel good not to feel like shit.
And about him backing out he can back out.
Probably in the next episode it will show us that.
Chanwoo shouldn't feel obligated to like and be with MD if he doesn't want to.
And if you were paying attention quite some time had passed before Chanwoo met the other sub.
So what I'm trying to say is I don't agree

This is extremely racist. For people who don't understand how this is racist. Put yourself in our shoes (I'm from Kenya-an east African country) and have them portraying your race and culture in this matter. The thing about it, is that this has been going on for over 100 years. Look up blackface, look up black caricatures...it's been a stigma about black people looking and acting this way. We know that black people do not look nor behave like this. Everyone has a culture that deserves to be respected. ANYONE. It's insulting and it's hard to believe that people still few us like this, cannibalistic inbread idiots who are ugly. Sorry if I'm a little shaken up but when you experience things like this, it can really get to you. I just don't know how to feel about it exactly.......

I find it shocking that people are upset at Heasoo's mom. She already knew that Heasoo was gay and she accepts him for that, she doesn't want him to be with Jowoon because she is still in love with Jowoon's father. I cannot believe some people here will think it would be ok if they were in Heasoo's mom shoes. No way in hell you would accept your child being in a sexual relationship with their stepsibling. I can't be upset at her for that...I just can't.

I see people here complaining about the rape. We get it, the rape is extremely bad. The painter does get rape twice however, don't sit here and degrade the artist work because it has rape. Remember that this is a historical theme BL, a time period that situations like this are acceptable. There is also murder in the very first chapter. So do not sit here and talk bad about the artist or get upset about those who enjoy this story. It's a good story, not everything has to be filled about rainbows and have lovely moments to be considered a great work. It this work upsets you, I wouldn't continue reading it.

Sorry, but how are people "degrading the author's work" by critisising a character, that does awful things? The lord murders and rapes, some have said this would be fitting of the time period due to the class system, where he becomes untouchable. People saying they don't like a characters actions, and recognising them as crimes, and not wanting the artist to end up with him (not that he has any choice) aren't complaining it's reacting to what the author is depicting.
The lord, is arrogant, he is abusive, that's just how it is. If you watch a film adaption of women being accused of witch craft, do you not have any empathy for the character who is facing the death penalty due to such unfounded charge, and see their accusers as in the wrong?
The art is great, the lord is portrayed well, as that unpredictable horrible character, doesn't mean people can't call out the obvious, even if it were apparently "the norm" in the time setting.

The person deleted their comment. I agree with Diamond if you read who she was referring to. The person was saying that the author was writing pedophilia, that people who enjoy this story automatically enjoys rape of any kind. Diamond isn't justifying rape or the Lord's behavior or saying anything during that time was ok, just that people accepted it. Stop thinking about a gray area, she said exactly what she meant.

If Nakyum is underage, then even if it would have been "historically accurate" (going on some of the comments, then that person is right to be able to criticise a modern author showcasing it, as really it's no better than showing such abuse (which in yaoi logic will end up in romance) in a modern setting, it's bad enough that sexual abuse between adults is normalised in this genre. And at the end of the day, not everyone will enjoy a webtoon, it is what it is.
Yall need to go purchase a chapter from the creator. This has an official English translation and the translator could have brought a raw chapter instead of a illegal chapter. They deserve better.
I don't give a fuck and I'm broke
That's fucking selfish. At least be considerate.
Someone understands me