Yeah its sad, both Na Haesoo and Mincheol have played their part in ruining their relationship. Whenever i read Mincheol's pov he kept implying how he despises how Na Haesoo's living like a zombie or robot, with little to no emotion and always just kept quiet even if he throws a tantrum, he wants to get under her skin so bad. I'd be frustrated too if my partner is the king of nonchalant, but its his fault! causing her so much stress physically and emotionally! she has to work so many jobs to pay his debt and still do chores on top of that. Im sure Mincheol is craving more passion from her, but she has no more energy for that. Both of them have no clue how to deal with each other since they both suck at opening up, given their upbringing sucks too. Both should just move on and heal. Pls author focus on Tae Ha and Na Hae So's story now, been waiting for spicy , juicy smut from the two sunce chapter 1. UwU