I’m so impressed with the storytelling of this BL manga! It’s was awesome! It felt like a horror movie or novel not a manga at all with the way the story went. The sex scenes were pretty steamy and I get what others said by skipping to read the story because I was on the edge of my seat for the story too! I love the artwork and the style especially how the yueng-woo (sp?) “looked” at the reader in the panels that was a creepy-cool element! Super exciting read that I could see myself rereading (which I never do!). (=・ω・=)
This was a refreshing read compared to other BLs. The author has a great pace with the storyline, the art is gorgeous, the s3x scenes are hottt, and the story itself felt genuine like watching a romance movie (yeah there’s cliches hard to avoid them most times in any read) but they still felt more realistic compared to other BLs. Real life isn’t perfect and neither is love This is one of my favorites for sure :)