"Police work is about pure animal instinct" "You can tell who's a criminal just by looking at them" "Can't possibly be them, they look like upright citizens" "Let's go harass those people until they give us an excuse to arrest them" This comic's depiction of police is frighteningly accurate.
For some reason her cleavage is censored. But what actually gets me is that the scanlators inserted their own name into the translation itself. I mean, you can't be serious.
Ignore the haters here. This is genuinely funny, a little introspective, and, weirdly enough, even a little heartwarming. Also, despite the premise and the presence of partial nudity, the characters aren't really sexuallized as you might expect.
"Police work is about pure animal instinct" "You can tell who's a criminal just by looking at them" "Can't possibly be them, they look like upright citizens" "Let's go harass those people until they give us an excuse to arrest them" This comic's depiction of police is frighteningly accurate.