Do you know any manga similar to BJ Alex? I'm looking for a manga where the Seme is kinda mean and in denial about his feelings (but then afterwards realizes he's in love) something like that.. I'm not sure if that makes sense but thank you so much for your help!
this is more dark, psychological (homophobe seme)
here seme wants to take revenge and pretent to like the uke...
this one is good (even though older) seme is really mean to the uke and realize later
seme seduces uke and pushes the uke away after uke falls for seme
again a darker story (in the begin) really mean bully seme
light reading, bully seme
aannd another one (lol) this is dark again- though the sequel seems fluffy
sorry if its too much, I went overboard :)
There're a lot of unofficial translator of Bj Alex in Wattpad.
But I'm the first translator. So, please letme be the official Myanmar translator of BJ Alex in Wattpad
I really wanted to like this manhwa but there was a lot of miscommunication after miscommunication and jumping to conclusions. I felt bad for Leo while I was reading.
Anyways, this is a very unpopular opinion so I'm probs gonna get downvoted to heck. I'm glad there was a happy ending but I did not enjoy it very much.
Yeah I'm not that much of a fan either. The misundertandings were really frustrating so I stopped at chapter 18 and dove right to the final 2 chapters.