Call me crazy but I'm thinking of giving the ML a condom to catch the poison? Like drink the poison but it's captured by the condom, tied to the teeth or something.
And why are there no assasination plans for MC mother? Kill the poisoner so you can kill the poison, if not it's just a loop of 'I heal thee!' and 'I harm yee!'. Or start shit talking Mother Duke, make the people hate her and sow seeds of distrust in the emperor, like, the saint got some crazies fucker after her so 2 in 1 shot tie them to the Mother Duke.
"Prove that you can love me while off the leash " would've made home boy more cooperative.

I dunno how to feel about this story anymore...I really like it and I went to read the novel after chapter 90 of the webtoon came out but....Holy hell did the writing dropped...
I don't even want to go check what mumber chapter that was, I think 31? But christ Kael OOC hard. I got heart burn(bad), and I wanna yonk MC out of there. (╥﹏╥)

There's a 19+ scene where ML OOC into a wattpad 'beast' if you get my drift...
The two do the deed a couple of times and most of the time dude is rough and demanding like 'beastly' ugh. Like bro, right after he says "It's okay, I'll wait for your response" (After confessing to MC) MC thanks him and goes to her room and cries because it emotionally overwhelming...THEN BAMM! KAEL STRUTS IN AND KISSES HER TONGUE AND ALL AND THEY FUCK?!?!
(╯#`Д `)╯╧╧
I think the second time he just straights up shoves it in her (no foreplay just- THRUST!) cause you know, jealousy, possessiveness, insecurities. Blah blah.
I dropped the novel after Kael decided to stop the nobles from dethroning Diana and Hellios asking Hessia if dethroning Diana was what she really wanted. (Something about making Diana realize the true consequences of her actions and to feel true regret. And that dethroning Diane wasn't the best way to do it, it was 'better' to let her suffer slowly, being mocked for the rest of her royal life while Kael does fuck all)
I am hoping the Webtoon changes things up as even the Korean folks on the novel were baffled by the writing. ("Not delicious" in regards the chapter haha).
So I'm hoping for the best but preparing for the worse.( ̄へ ̄)

I skipped chapter and I can say it was for the best. Fucking hell, I want to strangle the emperor. Gut and hang bengermen guy by his intestine alive. My fucking blood pressure. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Pinkie is the second male lead in the orginal and the revised script of their world ORZ.
And Mc....you had the fucking god in front of you, you know the OG Melina(forgot purple's name) is not dead....just in spirit form. Ask the goddess if purple can return to their own body and to be given a vessel to resided instead. (Like a vessel with the appearance of her first life)
Does the Duke not know MC og name? Cut the shit and say her name, boom, at least 10 chapters cut to focus on fluff.
And I'm guessing OG purple was the Sol Saint, The saint blessing thing is tied to the soul and mc is the Lunar saint. Purple has expressed divine power so i doubt her brothers gonna die. Probably gonna meet him while he's down and bleeding and do some soul healing for the both of them.
The blondie prince is probably gonna have a 'regretful male lead arc' if they keep him in the story or a 'You ruined my life, now die!' attempt with a 76% of him trying to summon a demon and or being possessed by the fleeing Demon KingWannaBe.

Why don't I just rip off his willy stick and shove it down his throat?
I may be unsympathetic towards the king but you don't just abandon your child and kidnap them when you feel like it. The second he freaking yeeted his child to another world- WHERE SHE NEARLY FREEZES TO DEATH THE SAME DAY SHE WAS BORN you've given up your right as that child's father.
(Like hell he didn't even send her to a orphanage, if the human couple didn't find MC they would've died. The King sent his child to death. MC only survive due to luck and the kindness of their Foster parents)
Like god, you've kidnapped her from the family that gave her love and care and didn't chuck her into the ocean. DID YOU EVEN READ YOUR LOVERS DYING NOTE!??!?! I get your grieving and all but that does not excuse any of his behaviors.
His position is nothing but a sperm donor, while the mother was the carrier.
Unlike Claude (From WMMAP) this asshole kidnapped MC from a loving family who took care of the child HE ABANDONED for about 17-18 years (Base of the average age of MCs of these stories) And he's completely hostile to MC. He only brought her back because of the note. That's all.
Claude was likeable to us because he never went out of his way to abuse MC, yes he was unreasonable and unresponsive in some situations but we watch him slowly open up(and we also saw his confusion which was funny). We like him because well, he was mostly just watching his child. Yes he also abandoned MC but it wasn't out into the streets or MC as a newly born baby on the shores of a beach.
It was in a palace full of servants to care for MC, while his response to his lover death wasn't something to be excused either, we are given a reason why he was so unresponsive.(which I will not say due to spoilers)
In this story we are given the reason why from the get go and it ain't even in a grey area.(as I write this there are 3 chapters out, which is why I'm not dropping it yet, I'm on the verge though)
And the lover, you don't force a CHILD on a person, that is a commitment that both parties must agree on. It wasn't even an accident, as shown in the first 3 chapters! Sure you want to have a child with your lover, how about you freaking tell them??? You fear rejection, ok alright, just know if you ask and you do get rejected respect your partner wishes an-...
Nvm you just signed a deal with a Demon so you can have a baby with out your lover having a clue??? At the cost of your life??? Am I suppose to feel pity? I'm just confused at this couple's thought process.(some have point out that the King might not be able to have children and that's why the Mother acted the way she acted, my point still stands and also adoption, sperm donor, idk cloning???)
I am aware some people will just repond with "If you don't like the story just don't read it, no one's forcing you, you're just putting down the author and hurting their feelings", and while I do agree with that when it's in the context of genre (like why read a genre you don't like and then give a bad review because you didn't like the genre??)
We are the audience. We give feedback to the author, that way they can grow as a creator.
If you tell a person to shut up when they critique the story or express dislike for a character then all you will be doing is being a Yes-man. Sing praises. Blinding them to the flaws of their creation. (Of course you shouldn't spout insults targeted to the author specifically)
And I will end this here, it has gotten WAY too long. Too much anger towards the couples, I pity MC.
If you've made it here, congratulations! You win nothing!
Please be different from the novel.
Please be different from the novel.
Please be different from the novel.
Let purple be end game please!
There are multiple endings... so I am not sure what this is about.
There are alternative endings. Different endgames, different endings. Pretty straightforward.
Wow I didn’t know this i thought it was one ending after being spoiled
praying as well that yeondan is the end gamez pls lord
I actually liked that there was a multi extras with alt ends but for the webtoon I want the current story flow to end with purple.
Sorry, got to excited. Does this explain my stance?
But what if they draw multiple endings?
I'd be happy! I just want the first one to be purple. It's like one playthrough and just before the final chapter, I save the game. So my first reading is my favorite, and I can still consume more content (alt ends) by loading my save point.
Kinda like an Otome's "True Route", you get me?(๑•ㅂ•)و✧