Plot: They arrive in silence and darkness. They descend from the skies. They have a hunger for human...
- Author: iwaaki hitoshi
- Genres: Action / Drama / Horror / Mature / Psychological / Romance / Seinen
A dark romance about a high school boy who falls helplessly in love with a beautiful girl who has to...
- Author: Hokazono Masaya,Satomi Yu
- Genres: Drama / Horror / Mystery / Psychological / Romance / Supernatural / Tragedy
The continuation of Innocent....
- Author: Sakamoto Shinichi
- Genres: Drama / Historical / Seinen / Psychological / Tragedy
Plot: Trepanation is the procedure of drilling a hole in the skull. It is said to increase the blood...
- Author: yamamoto hideo
- Genres: Drama / Mature / Psychological / Seinen / Supernatural
Witness the titular Punpun - who is depicted as a tiny, caricatured bird in an otherwise normal huma...
- Author: asano inio
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Mature / Psychological / Romance / School Life / Seinen / Slice Of Life / Tragedy
In a prison so big that it is called a city, all sorts of criminals have been amassed. Due to the in...
- Author: Moriya Shiro
- Genres: Action / Drama / Psychological / Tragedy
"My body is female, but inside I am male." High school student Ryuu, while struggling with dysphoria...
- Author: Gaku keito
- Genres: Drama / Genderswap / Psychological / School life / Slice of life
At a certain park, there is a mysterious man, who has red eyes and a black suit, that people can go ...
- Author: miyatsuki arata
- Genres: Adult / Horror / Psychological / Shounen
Zankoku na Kami ga Shihaisuru portrays the tale of two step-brothers - Jeremy and Ian, as they striv...
- Author: hagio moto
- Genres: Drama / Josei / Mature / Psychological / School Life / Shounen Ai / Slice Of Life / Tragedy
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