PARROT asked a question

I’m looking for a bl that has multiple stories and has a story that’s focusing on a tall dude who wears long skirts because he wants to look more feminine for the seme. The stories are set in college and I’m pretty sure the uke thinks the seme has a crush on a professor or the professor likes the way the seme looks because he reminds him of someone he knew when he was young ( possibly a mix of both scenarios ). Thank you for any help!!

So he’s old as shit AND a misogynist? No wonder he had to arrange a marriage with a poor, underage girl :0

PARROT created a topic of Love Review

That dude was black hair is SOOO FUCKING GROSS what do you mean “will you do what I ask”???? For the phone numbers of other abused girls??? That’s way too vague and a weird thing to say to ANYONE especially for such a simple favor! He’s obviously not a great person either yuck

PARROT created a topic of The couple breaker

The audacity is crazy on all fronts rn

PARROT created a topic of Tonari no Kinniku Joshi

How could they just pick us up and drop us like that?!?!?? I’m feeling EXTREME FOMO rn omggggg

PARROT created a topic of Stigma (Doo Down)

He’s such a low down dirty bastard. I hope he falls and breaks his ass bone fr

So they’re all stuck in this weird, fucked-up time loop where the future and past versions of themselves exists at the same point in time that goes in cycles that repeat and overlap while almost NOTHING changes with every go around??? Let my girl restttttt

I hope the sisters can turn their relationship around. After reading this chapter, I really believe the younger sister ( forgot their names ) was influenced by her mothers feelings and attention when she first entered the house and on top of her sudden raise in social standing, her ego and self of self importance skyrocketed without any adult figure to check her. She’s older now and her actions are her own, but seeing her reflect with just one conversation makes you think what could’ve been if her foster parents actually parented instead of fostering an environment that poisoned their children. Cause how do you not know what your kids are up to??? One is a killer and the other one is obsessed with being loved by those around her! They didn’t even notice that the older daughter was being replaced by a look alike half the time like excuse me?????? AND WHY DO BOTH YOUR CHILDREN HAVE ABANDONMENT ISSUES?!?!

I’m so sick of the story line of closeted men hurting unsuspecting women in a half ass attempt to bury themselves in the closet like ewwwwwwwwwww

She’s so cute, but SOOOO stupid and self-centered. Hot take tho, my favorite scenes are when she shows up. The art becomes so creative and interesting every time

PARROT created a topic of Love DO!!

I lost interest at lightning speed when I learned he was a women hater, like excuse me?? It didn’t even make sense why he would hate ALL women instead of him having a strong grudge against his mother and/or even anxiety when it comes to developing romantic relations when you sit and think about it. He possible does have anxiety in that sector of his life, but I’m not reading past chapter 1 to find out xoxo

PARROT created a topic of Hidoku Shinaide


PARROT created a topic of Lady Black is depressed

I love a story about a women facing off against shitty men and winning ( or in this case murdering), but the idea that she took advantage of one of her workers, who’s pay check has been WITHHELD for two months, because she simply didn’t like her husband doesn’t sit right with me. Idk maybe it’s because I’ve read some many stories with rich over-powered mc’s or love interests’ walking on their servants like they’re nothing and their lives don’t matter to benefit from as, usually, A RICH NOBLE it feels dirty, weird, and exploitative. But it’s just a story ignore me

PARROT created a topic of Love in Orbit

Welcome to Traumatization Station all aboard !

PARROT followed a goer

yo, i'm 22 and been around here for quite a fricking while.

15 07,2024

He was JUST fucking someone else? Like I don’t have a problem with him being with other people, but the way he came at the uke and started calling him his lover the moment he got to his apartment threw me. And him saying “ If you really think about it” felt so out of place like it’s like he just thinks establishing a new relationship makes sense and not I feel and know that I want to be with you. Also the way he talked to that lady lacked so much respect for her even I felt bad when she left and disgusted at him that he even felt comfortable talking to his partner like that ( even if they’re just sex partners ). ON TOP OF THAT HE’S SO CHILDISH?!?! No one can really kiss in high school and they tried so hard to make his gf in high school seem so mean that I found it kinda funny. Though I kinda respect her for being able to communicate what she likes at her age cause even tho the way she said it was crazy as hell that took a lot of maturity to let others know what you like/don’t like. His response however wasn’t and him carrying that into his adulthood and not communicating effectively/properly to his partners that he doesn’t like kissing instead of letting them catch on and become insecure about themselves DEFINITELY is not (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Omggggg she’s about to go on a racist, anti-demon rant ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ