Some people (nonbinaries, trans-folk, cis-women, gay men) are tired of women writing rape stories of gay men but won’t ever think twice about writing a rape story with women or go on their social media on a full on anti gay/trans tirade. Also just because it’s fictional doesn’t mean people want to constantly deal with it, Black people don’t want to constantly deal with fetishization and racism being portrayed in anime/manga verses every time a Japanese or Korean manga/manhwa author introduces them despite that being fucking fictional.
And even if you wanna take the social political aspects out of this, not every one has to like someone’s art, art is fucking subjective and it will always be and whether people view it for free or not, doesn’t change that nor should block people for saying they don’t like said art or story

Tbh I think the dad made the right choice even if it was mostly motivated to keep the family’s image untarnished. Even though Ewin doesn’t necessarily fight back he will never think of Argios as his partner or even someone above him(this is referring to Argios thinking of controlling him); which is why Argios is always talking about his will shining through his eyes. Also even though the half brother is kinda a lame coward, he does underhand/petty moves just like Argios. If they both put down their inflated egos they will probably make a good pair & the half brother can grow up.

This was ok, not my cup of tea but whatever.l but let’s all get a reality check.
Whether someone brought this oneshot or not, doesn’t change the fact that story is subpar. This new wave of thinking that just because someone consume media via free (illegal site or not just free in general)means they can’t give an opinion on it. That isn’t the case and I wish a lot of y’all on this site stop trying to make it so. Not everyone’s art is going look good to some people. Some people don’t like how One Piece look, doesn’t mean they need to shut up because they aren’t manga artists. You don’t tell people to become rappers if they think some rap song is crap right? Right.

insane to call “people are allowed to comment whatever they want anonymously on an online forum with zero consequences without even paying for it” a “reality check”. the /real/ reality check is that without a screen separating them not a single one of these people would say this to someone’s face. the /real/ reality check is that an artist worked hard on this and doesn’t deserve comments such as “burn it”, especially not from ungrateful shits who aren’t even paying. and yeah, actually, people who aren’t manga artists shouldn’t comment on a world-renowned artist’s work, especially not this crudely. the internet has really rotted your brain so much that you can’t even tell the different between genuine commentary/criticism and just straight up abuse. this is such a dumb fucking take i can’t even believe you took the time to write it down.

First thing imma need you to do is breathe.
Secondly you must not have enough oxygen to brain for not only for this left field/ outta pocket take but as well as for trying to make your point in any sort of way logical or correct.
No matter how I (or anyone for the matter) word a negative review via (going back to my rapper example) “ ___ rapper sucks ass” OR “ ___ rapper’s lyricism is lazy and they rely heavily on auto tune and the beat to carry the song.” BOTH are valid negative reviews nor do I need to say that to said rapper’s face for it to be valid tf?!
Abuse reviews would be to keep commenting MULTIPLE times to an author saying you hate their work, for them to ☠, keep repeating they should never make another manga/manhwa again etc.
Just because people are tired of women writing gay rape stories or if someone doesn’t like the art style doesn’t make their negative review of the work not valid nor make it abuse
Finally AGAIN whether someone watched/read something for free via illegal website or from a legal app/website doesn’t mean they can’t leave a negative review on a piece a media; saying or alluding to the fact the only way for any negative criticism/review/comment can be accepted is via payment is one the most weirdest elitism type hill to die on hun

you're actually just fucking stupid if you think a big huge global rapper is at all comparable to a small artist whose income is directly related to you paying for that content. to call that elitism when most artists work paycheck to paycheck and struggle to get by, ESPECIALLY in a society rapidly heading towards AI and the complete disappearance of any and all creative human jobs, is actually just fucking ridiculous. you seriously need to re-think everything you just typed out, i'm really in awe at how you could be that entitled and disconnected from reality. to keep comparing "rappers" to artists working on webcomics is actually just absurd. it's not like artists are in a different socioeconomic class like millionaire rappers are. they are also working class people, dipshit

You’re the actual dipshit, no better yet you’re a complete dumbass who f*cking thinks every rapper on the planet is multi-millionaire. Being a rapper is not automatic successful money making occupation. I’m not talking about the damn Drakes, Megan thee Stallions or Eminems anyone with a brain would’ve known that. I’m talking about rappers who upload their one finish song on YouTube or SoundCloud wishing that one song would make them famous enough for record label to finance a video. But on top of being dumb you must also be non Black for you to think such bs is true when it comes to rappers; esp when music is also facing an AI problem dipshit. A sh*tty manga/manhwa is a sh*tty manga/manhwa no matter how you slice it and it doesn’t matter if someone paid for that shit or not, it doesn’t absolve the work from being bad nor does it shields them from criticism (NO MATTER if said criticism is detailed or not). I’m through wasting my time on someone who’s brain and social awareness is a small a single cell. Go b*tch someone else on this stupid hill you so desperately want KYS on

Blondie is about to make me mad, anyone with a brain could’ve figured out it was the guy who walked in on you last time who made him sad. You little boy stood up to that pervert gangster, like be forreal right now!! And he stop flinching and having mini panic attacks when you tried to be sexual with him and this is what you do?!!!! I need our little baby to start his run away arc since the author hint that he is fast and good at hiding due to past in the creator’s notes at the end of season 1 and pronto (no offense to the author ) Blondie needs to be taught a lesson. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
I get him he wants to be in his daughter’s life and make up for lost time but ripping the child from their safe haven is not the way to go about it. You have to slowly build a bond, just taking them out and then saying outta nowhere you coming is a disaster waiting to happen and it proves you’re not having the child’s interest at mind. Hopefully he not cut off completely.