man wtf is this

its straight ridiculous on how these people act. they get so mad when someone states the obvious, and are always like well why are you reading it then? if thats ur only response ur a dumbass respectfully. being critical of a medium is something your entitled to as the reader. if something disturbs you, makes you happy, makes you laugh or cry you talk about that dont you?? so if something makes ME uncomfortable then DUH im going to mention it. especially on something like rape. This common misconception that they have is, i shouldnt be complaining because im reading it anyways, im reading it because of a multitude of reasons. (it being bl) theres no excuse for the amount of rape/sa. its all fetishization and these porn addicted individuals straight up get off to it. Thanks for your thoughts on what i said !! at least i know some people have an iq higher than 3
cirrus <3