all these semes are complete ASS CHEEKS bruh. and i just WISH, WISH the ukes had some brain cells. the black lion is an ass cheek, the jaguar is an ass cheek,the white lion is an ass cheek and the ONLY seme who isn’t an ass cheek was the musk deer BUT NOOO. dude had to abandon the uke and mess it all up. i cant notttt. all the semes do is see mildly attractive uke, fuck them and act like they don’t care, and then catch feelings.

we are moving to quickly. didn’t his friend just say he had childhood trauma and didn’t want to remember his childhood? why is he warming up to the seme so fast then?

He already likes Amamya, you can tell cause he calls him "Riku", which is what he called him when they were kids. I don't think it's like a huge trauma, seems like "I don't wanna be called cute I'm tough" or "riku was the only one to call me cute, he moved on and now I'm angry I'm gonna be tough" kinda thing. either way, they both seem pretty into each other, but being stubborn about it. Seems "Riku" is much more true to his desires tho.

i feel so bad for the sister. her brother was HIGH-KEY crushing on her boyfriend, her “boyfriend” hated her guts and just wanted her $$$, and now she’s depressed at sad:( and meanwhile the brother is only thinking about his feelings and chasing after this dumbass scammer looking for answers like bitch ..THE POLICE. CONTACT THE POLICE IF YOU KNOW THE GUYS NAME. he better smack around this scamming ass dude for everything he did when he finds him,but watch i bet he’s gonna sleep around with this piece of shit seme. idgaf if you are gay,bi,or straight that isn’t an excuse to manipulate someone’s feelings when you don’t even like that gender!!!his trauma doesn’t justify his actions AT ALL. both the brother and sister are victims buts it’s obvious who didn’t have the right intentions in mind *uke* *seme*

i’m just going to be honest. the translation is so confusing. half the time i have no clue what they are referring to or what the conversations or thoughts are saying.the first couple had a pretty good translation but the second coupon with the son and the black wolf is next to unreadable. which is upsetting because i really wanted to follow the storyline. i know translators are trying their best but no matter how many times i reread, i just can’t grasp wtf is going on. the author already made the story pretty messy and crazy so the added grammar errors makes this disastrous.

i didn’t mean to offend you. thanks for translating this story:) but their are grammar errors. the storyline does confuse me which is what makes it hard to understand but the text is sometimes hard to decipher. i can’t speak for everyone else on this but that’s my personal opinion. this manga doesn’t have to many chapters left anyways so it’s ok. you are trying your best and i appreciate that more then anything!

I understand your point. Chill yall, she was not trying to offend the translators. The last couple of chapters ARE hard to read because they are probably LITERAL translations from Korean to English. But they are right in that it is probably translated correctly.
Now I haven't worked on a scanlation team in a long time, but I think what's missing is someone to QC? Someone who knows both languages enough to edit the translator's statements to fit the story while it's in English. Does that make sense?

so just because you have a rocky chance at conceiving, you push away the guy you love...and have lots of sex with random guys??? makes sense-_- a lower chance doesn’t mean you can’t have kids. so letting randos raw dog it is gonna get you knocked up. i just want a omegverse with realistic LOGIC and an actually decent storyline. the same: “ suddenly go into heat and have sex is getting boring.”

ok so to start this off i understand its just a story. i know sometimes you just have to block the story line out and stay for sex scenes. && i’m very aware yaios tend to lack any sort of logic but here we go.. the main characters are making me lose brain cells. so just bc he’s a “vip” guest and hes soooo hot LeT mE jUsT GiVe HiM sPeCiAL sErVicES. tf CALL THE COPS. what did you THINK he meant by that??? you obviously know you can’t give him free products. you don’t owe him shit just bc you bumped into him!! the seme even said himself it was ok and he didn’t owe him anything bc the motorcycle ran the phone over, the uke himself wasn’t to blame. dude practically handed the seme a leash and collar and said “please black mail me”. then his friend is a sweet honest dude only trying to look after him and he REJECTS him and goes for this creep he met like a month ago(⊙…⊙ ) uke needs a brain EXAMINATION. and this seme legit STALKED HIM. i know i’m being super picky about the small details but this is just one of those magnas that makes me r a g e. this isn’t the the worst story i’ve seen, believe me, but this is one of those stories where i have to be take a moment to process the stupidity. none the less the art is breathe taking and i didnt hate the story. the smut was good! and the another defiently has a talent in art not so much with plot. lol i’m joking but seriously
I cant not even process what my eyes just saw. i didnt even see the rape warning . seme rlly said “uwu me so sorry for raping and almost murdering you(≧∀≦) i’ll act all shy now and give you flowers and you forgive me pweaseeee ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄” and when the ukes friend tried to SAVE HIM he rlly said “iT WaS cOnSenSuAl. hE’s mY rEsPoNsObiLiTy” awe was he bullied as a child?