Lexi<3 January 23, 2021 4:22 am

Seungho prancing around as if he isn’t on the same boat as Jihwa. If Jihwa deserves to get his neck sliced off then Seungho deserves to be dismembered, like blown the fuck of the face of the earth. he’s one hypocrite mofo. did he or did he not almost kill the uke because he thought he ran away?? did he or did he not rape him and mentally fuck him up?? hmm Seungho needs some therapy if he thinks what he did was any better

Lexi<3 January 13, 2021 3:48 pm

started off with so much potential and then just spiraled down hill. in what world does the logic “alphas only get in the bed with omegas for one reason.” make ANY sense. first of all why the hell does it matter? that’s like saying just because a boy and girl share a room “their is only one reason they’d share a room”. like if he were a beta would he have made a move? no? that’s my point TRASH seme. just basic yaio and basic stereotypical airhead uke and excusing rape. which brings me to the point, why is rape in hair so common? like who started that and thought it’d be an ok thing?

Lexi<3 January 9, 2021 7:05 am

uke tried to shoot seme and seme tried to choke uke so it evens out by yaio logic ofc

Lexi<3 January 9, 2021 6:39 am

seungho did so much worse then his kidnappers could have ever. no amount of “revenge” could ever make up for what he’s done to the poor boy. what the ACTUAL fuck is wrong with him. i’m sorry i can’t do this anymore i’m dropping this, what he’s done is unforgivable and he was so selfish and horrible to him and couldn’t even take the ukes word that he didn’t run away, and even if he did IT WOULD BE UNDERSTANDABLE!!

Lexi<3 January 6, 2021 3:22 am

dear author, you had us in the first part ngl you played it off with the neighbor so beautifully and the chemistry was IMMACULATE. i kept thinking when is his annoying boyfriend gonna fuck off THEN the story does a 180 and come to find out the neighbor was never gonna be with the seme..when i tell you i teared up- i couldn’t even enjoy the rest of the story i was just UpSeT. the uke and the seme had no chemistry at allllll. wtf the seme was totaling crushing on the neighbor. what the fuck was the purpose of 2 chapters being from his pov??????

    Woop Woop January 6, 2021 3:42 am

    This is a sequel of characters of Like a Sugar. Their relationship is set up in that manga.

    Oddity January 6, 2021 6:34 am

    This is a sequel, hun. You have to read the prequel Like a Sugar so you'll understand how Morsaki and Taguchi's relationship flourished.

    Oddity January 6, 2021 6:35 am


    Oddity January 6, 2021 6:35 am

    Morisaki** tf's wrong with my fingers

Lexi<3 January 2, 2021 4:24 am

seme is trash and i don’t see how any amount of “character development” can save him. he’s raped,beat,kidnaped, mentally abused, and has done anything and everything to hurt the uke anyway he can. the seme is just as bad as the dude who tried to kill the uke and that brown hair guy who hates the uke, if not WORSE then them. misunderstood or not he has some serious mental issues because WHAT the ACTUAL fuck. the uke is in so much pain and experiencing so much trauma right now bc the seme is “hurt” because he assumed the uke tried to run even though if he BOTHERED to look into it he’d notice it didn’t add up. he’s a fucking lunatic and no amount of “love” can heal that shit, and i don’t see how anyone can think the seme is “a good fit” for the uke. guys...this is NOT a romance and if you think it is you are sick. the author better not pull any kind of excuse card for this guy

    iipockyii January 2, 2021 4:25 am

    Exactly bruh. There is no saving him

Lexi<3 December 17, 2020 12:45 am

read the raws and guys i’m so so disappointed in the uke:( i really thought param would be smart and realize he never like mr.han...spoilers below

yes guys....he fucks mr.hans beefy ass. i’m feeling so upset rn over a YAIO. i never actually thought param would do it but he does their sex scene isn’t even good it’s kinda short and then end with parma running away flustered hopefully REGRETTING his decisions...idk i’m just not even feeling this comic anymore that’s how upset i am. i didn’t even enjoy their smut i was scrolling and scrolling and right when he was gonna stick it in i was PRAYING param would say SOMETHING, ANYTHING..but sadly he does not:((( i skipped the whole thing almost tearing up.after how creepy mr han is i didn’t think parma would even get close enough to that stage but you know what he did smh. even params bestfriend warned him about mr han.

    catboyhisoka December 17, 2020 12:51 am

    fuck that shit

    Felicitas December 17, 2020 2:30 am

    But weren't Hwi and Param dating?? What did I miss?? I read and re-read the chapters and I can't figure out where Para went so wrong. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Lexi<3 December 17, 2020 12:27 am

keith’s a piece of shit. spoilers below

so the uke runs away bc the seme cheats and uke meets this rlly hot/nice red head alpha who takes care of him and is literally so hot and respectful UNLIKE keith’s bitch ass. then keith finds the uke FORCES him into submission using pheromones bites the ukes fucking ear and makes him bleed then basically kidnaps him!!!!!!!!!! don’t care what anyone says the seme can NOT redeem himself. idc idc idc idc. the red head seme tries to save uke but keith gets away. reasons i hate keith: uses his gender as alpha as a form of power over everyone, told uke it was his fault he got sexually assaulted and that he should’ve just let that alpha rape him, is rude as FUCK to his employees and the uke , thinks just because he’s an alpha he can us pheromones to intimidate/ overpower people, and then literally neglects the uke but then expects him to know that he liked him or whatever like BITCH, literally cheated, gets jealous over everythingggggg the uke does yet he can fuck other women (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸, prejudice against omegas, and just an OVERALL dick head. and his ATTITUDE!!

    NagitosGayForBigTiddyHajime December 17, 2020 12:31 am

    I’ve always hated the dude...what tf was his mother thinking...she looked at him and was like..y e s ima name you. K E I T H ....like uhh chile

    SGrae December 17, 2020 12:35 am

    Pls tell me uke ends up with the other guy huhu

    SGrae December 17, 2020 12:42 am

    Or does he still have lingering feelings for keith?

    Lexi<3 December 17, 2020 12:46 am
    Or does he still have lingering feelings for keith? SGrae

    honestly don’t know. i think he’ll end up with keith unfortunately because he is pregnant with his child :(

    Lexi<3 December 17, 2020 12:47 am
    I’ve always hated the dude...what tf was his mother thinking...she looked at him and was like..y e s ima name you. K E I T H ....like uhh chile NagitosGayForBigTiddyHajime

    HONESTLY like këîth just sounds musty tbh

    pandora December 17, 2020 12:53 am

    And that's on being toxic and abusive

    SGrae December 17, 2020 1:06 am

    Gawddamn. He's already irredeemable. Well, i hope his "character development" is a big one and not abrupt like one day ohh he suddenly changed we love him. Ghad. Hope uke's happiness doesnt men being with keith

    Yaoiislife December 17, 2020 1:39 am


    lucie December 17, 2020 2:03 am

    god damn ,,, i was gonna read this but i saw this and changed my mind ah wtf tysm for the spoiler /gen

    Yaoiislife December 17, 2020 2:11 am
    god damn ,,, i was gonna read this but i saw this and changed my mind ah wtf tysm for the spoiler /gen lucie

    I think he will get a character dev. Tbh but it will take a long time ( ̄へ ̄)

    kuriiou December 17, 2020 2:15 am
    I’ve always hated the dude...what tf was his mother thinking...she looked at him and was like..y e s ima name you. K E I T H ....like uhh chile NagitosGayForBigTiddyHajime


    lucie December 17, 2020 2:16 am
    I think he will get a character dev. Tbh but it will take a long time ( ̄へ ̄) Yaoiislife

    yeah but with thing about cheating ╥﹏╥ i don't tolerate cheating at all so the fact that it even happens got me not wanting to read this

    Hiimjustheretoread December 17, 2020 2:46 am

    Oh also the bottom gets pregnant with the top and runs away uwu

    Yaoiislife December 17, 2020 3:13 am
    Oh also the bottom gets pregnant with the top and runs away uwu Hiimjustheretoread

    Are they like- will they di better?? Cuz i think the uke still likes the seme i just saw the raws daum rollercoaster-

    Hiimjustheretoread December 17, 2020 6:22 am

    yea i think so tooo

Lexi<3 November 14, 2020 2:34 pm

i feel pity for jihwa bc i understand being rejected and brutally at that but our poor cinnamon bun getting murdered isn’t gonna solve that. how about you fuck hot assassin dudes brains out and forget about dumb ass master.and then our cinnamon bun can get w his confusing but also hot young master:)

Lexi<3 November 1, 2020 5:08 pm

anyone wanna give the link to the races pleaseeee

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