On one hand the uke isn’t being logical because he knew Seos job in the industry from the beginning so if he wasn’t comfortable with it he should’ve talked with the seme and set boundaries for their relationship but on the other hand Seo doesn’t put like any of his emotions into their relationship and while he can make the uke jealous (because of miscommunications) and when the uke assumes the worst the seme is disappointed and is all like “i would never” but doesn’t really expand on that. but when the uke makes Seo jealous he gets all defensive and assumes the worst with the Uke. It’s a very uneven relationship while the uke is very emotional and has a hard time voicing his feelings the seme expresses his feelings so blandly and unemotionally that the uke mistakes his reactions for disinterest. The most emotion i’ve seen Seo communicate facially is when he blushed about the ukes confession. All around is just misunderstandings and neither is to blame solely. Man they have like ZERO trust in each other which is sad.

not only did they make offensive stereotypes like “African Americans are dirty tribal cannibals” but they also made their lips and noses excessively bigger & made them look so derpy and ugly compared to the main characters!!! so disrespectful to actual tribes and their cultures. the jokes ab “not being able to see the Africans in the dark” is like pulling your eyes to the side and saying your “asian”. so damn ignorant and i cant see how the author thought this was ok. stuff like this in yaio highlights the racism in BL. how often do you see black or hispanic characters in yaio? sure as hell not often all. as a black person this is so unbelievable offensive and so uneducated.

through like the entire magna the seme KEPT repeating how strong the ukes pheromones were and how it smelled stronger then a female ???? but then at the end he says “a male wouldn’t give off pheromones anyways” while the uke proceeds to emit pheromones..are they just not gonna address that? is this an omega verse? or what?

that was my theory to at first but the seme literally said “males wouldn’t give off pheromones” and then compares the uke to a females scent...maybe if it was like a rut kinda pheromone i’d get it but he says the ukes in “heat” while referring to his own heat as “rut” so like confusing. plus their intital reactions to going into rut/heat are totallyyyy different. uke is like dick crazy while seme is more animalistic

i keep expecting the seme to have like a dark change of personality. the fluffy and cute persona he admits seems so artificial, like he’s putting an act on. everytime he talks to the uke im like “is he gonna black mail him?!?” ...idk maybe i’m just damaged from these other yaios but so far the seme is wholesome.
blonde hair dude is honestly kinda manipulative. i get hes trying to help the uke but the way he took advantage of him when he was drunk is sus. you can’t give consent under the influence. the uke is very upset which i get but yelling at the seme isn’t gonna make him feel any better. 5 chapters in and neither the uke or seme have any sort of communication going on smh. and also guys..he isn’t gonna end up with the blonde hair dude so stop shipping them lol. but anways seme is very naive and quiet frankly it is annoying not cute or quirky LOL but the uke yelling at him/ insulting him is also annoying. i just think if they would sit down and ~communicate~ these misunderstandings would be cleared up. we have yet to see why the seme actually left so GUYS STOP ASSUMINGGGG.