Zealot_crazer's feed

Yes, Khalid killed her. Yes, there is a convoluted possession that he tries suffocating her with. Yes, Estelle died at the hands of her most trusted friend. Buuuuuuut. My god! These new chapters! So bloody beautiful! What brilliant insight into the character of Estelle. Was she really a good person? She was a talented fool with a conviction. The most dangerous of sort! She refused to understand her friends, and the people of her country. She never truly cared. There was a blindness that destroyed her whole country. It’s amazing what the story writer has done! You can’t hate Estelle because she was so pure but her purity coupled with her talent made her so blind to the ways of the world that she allowed her to be used, and in turn, the people who loved her for her purity were dragged into the mud as well. Isn’t this the story of the world? A pure person who is looked up to and protected by everyone will unknowingly destroy everyone who loved them because they foolishly believed the wrong person?

My god. I’ve read chapter 110 so many times! The layers they’ve added to Estelle! I can relate to it so much.