Saw it on the latest update list and was surprised that this is still continuing. Wow.
For the readers, does she do anything for the women of her country or is the author still showing how her brothers and father fawn over her?
She starts teaching some princesses in her kingdom magic, and noble women are allowed to go to school, but it doesn’t feel like women are being liberated to me. The only reason the noble women got more “freedom” is because of her father’s and brothers’ doting. They did it as a sort of gift for Sanghee. Not because people legitimately care about women’s rights and women being equal to men.
What an idiot. I mean, obviously. What did we expect from a moron in his previous life? But this idiot. He got a new chance at life because he was so pathetic, and then he ended up making this life worse. ^sigh^ his seat in the Regression Manwha Conferences would probably be right at the door, ignored and forgotten, once again.