I liked the ending. Idk why ppl hate yujin. Yes he was a shitty guy at first but he was willing to change and look into himself putting aside his pride so that he could be with sian. But yul while he was with yujin was not ready to change. He was afraid of change in himself and in sian as well.

And also to ppl who are saying that sian should’ve “fixed” yul are crazy. You cannot “fix” a person. She did the right thing by not being with him.

Yul is a result of his surroundings and upbringing and that’s not his fault but it still does not excuse his behavior and crimes.
A lot of ppl don’t seem to be aware of how much stalking and obsession can be suffocating and can affect an individual’s mental health.
Sian is not obligated to “fix” yul. That’s not her job.

And I also don’t agree with ppl saying they wanted to see yul in a relationship in the ending.

Yul always seemed to be preoccupied with thoughts of other ppl to me. He always seemed to thinking of either sian or others and really didn’t let himself sit with his own self. It seemed like he used others as a means of distraction from confronting what lies inside him.
He needs to do a lot more of self reflection.
Even in the ending, he said that he does labor to distract himself. It did seem like he improved but not fully. He still has a long way to go.

I want yul to be content with himself. I want him to love himself and be feel lived by himself. Not love that he derives from others but just him. He seemed to be uncomfortable being with himself and i think there seems to be a lot of self loathing. I wish to see him truly happy not needing to depend on others. Of course I do wish that he has healthy relationships in his life with friends and family(probably not possible considering his parents). I hope he can walk with self esteem and smile brightly in the future without needing to depend on someone. I truly hope he’s able to find his own peace in his life.
I would be glad to read a slice of life webtoon about yul’s life. And maybe we could learn more about him. His interests, his likes and dislikes etc. maybe we could see his day to day life with his pet maybe he likes painting or maybe collecting rocks. I wish we could learn more about him as a person and his self growth and healing journey.
Anyways i still have so much more to say but i’m not gonna rant anymore.

Can you tell yul is my fav lol.
2024-11-14 18:01 marked
This is rape porn that somebody went out of their way to upload. You can look up the artist and see that all they make is explicit erotic content of little boys being violently assaulted. Some sicko went out of their way to upload this here. This is not the author portraying violence. This is the authors fetish. This is why yall need to be safe on websites like this that are not monitored. Usually mangago tries to scrub shota fetish content but they haven’t caught this one yet. The author is a shotacon aka pedo. This is not a normal yaoi and it isn’t meant to be. This artist makes violent HENTAI of little boys being brutally raped. If you read this you are reading literal cp. You need to be careful on the internet. When you see stuff like this and it sets off alarm bells it’s because it should.
2024-11-12 09:33 marked
everybody bussytranced and dicknotized! the right answer is for all these mfs to be single and work that shat OUT individually!
2024-11-12 09:10 marked
this whole conflict was
1) badly executed
2) badly written
3) frustrating.
first off, the “resolution” was stupid as fuck, you don’t just abandon your responsibilities, passion and career because of your lover, that’s crazy. When you date you don’t lose all your individuality, but instead learn more about yourself with your partner, you learn how to love, how to set boundaries, how to start communicating and apparently they didn’t learn any of that.
I also feel like they are kind of setting up inwoo to meet his mother in the future, which is just annoying, what was this whole conflict for then?
him quitting his job was so overdone, you literally don’t need to do that. inwoo needs to understand you are a person, just as much as jiho needs to understand too. it doesn’t even make sense either??? like yeah inwoo was clingy sometimes but dude so many people are clingy and learn that their partner is their individual with their own wants and needs. you can’t expect to just sit and baby inwoo all the time by just being at home, he needs to heal first in all honesty i don’t even think he’s ready for the relationship (i didn’t think that even when they got together) and i think jiho is much too ready and pushy, he overcompensates and it comes to bite him in the ass.
overall i think the first couple had a nice idea at the first, but holy fuck as the story went on it just derailed into that.
the second couple is a bit more interesting because i’m a bit interested to see how this author will develop chungi to be, well, not an asshole but considering how they wrote the first couple i don’t have high hopes. genuinely just a very frustrating read that has made me disregard the first couple completely, whenever i see them in new chapters i skip and wait for the second couple to come in.
2024-11-09 12:47 marked
If yall are fr blaming her for the rape that took place yall are fr out of yalls mind. He literally states himself that he was following her and KNEW it was wrong. He knew her schedule and would walk EXTRA behind her because he as a grown ass adult fell "inlove" with a minor. I don't care what anyone says the author is just trying to make this creep look better and redeem him, making him look like a victim too.
Thr whole people saying it's her fault are literally stupid since if a person was drugged with something like aphrodisiac and was looking for relief WHILE not being on their right mind, and another ADULT person "helped" her while he fully could call for help, yeh darling that's called rape. It's the same situation as if a person would give a "consent" while extremely drunk. He literally not only followed her around but also was selfish enough to try and reconcile, not letting her go.
Especially knowing damn well she was having panick attacks because of him. He's a petty weirdo rapist that shouldn't get any sympathy and i will die on this hill.
To make him better person author pretty much is trying to pinn it on her too while making him out to be this little guilty man who regrets everything. Right.
Anyways, ayane they could never make me hate you (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
2024-08-06 11:10 marked
If Skip Beat has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Skip Beat has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Skip Beat has only one fan then that is me. If Skip Beat has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Skip Beat, then I am against the world.
2024-07-12 16:07 marked
It's disheartening because Jihwan genuinely has a chance to have a real and meaningful relationship with Soo Young. Despite his erratic behaviour, he isn't entirely devoid of redeeming qualities. The truly alarming aspect is his insatiable desire to exert absolute control over the person he loves, which is psychotic. This reminded me of the Dahmer documentary, where Dahmer, despite being in a loving relationship with someone who truly cared for him, found it lacking. He sought complete submission from his partner, which ultimately led to Dahmer murdering him. It’s terrifying to witness the extremes Jihwan will go to in order to obliterate everything that sustains Soo Young—his academic pursuits? That’s too much. It gets worse from here on in.
2024-06-03 12:14 marked
I just PRAY whatever psycho shit jihwan does if soyoung calls him out on his bullshit, soyoung wont become a typical MC who forgives him or "accept him for who he is cause he has no one else " or some other nonsense blaming his tragic past on his current actions like he isnt grown

Plus, soyoung used to be a tough MC who stood up for himself and in the last few chapters he's been sensing something weird from jihwan, so I feel like overhearing that phone call will put everything in perspective. I really hope we get our smart mc back. We already know he isnt that forgiving to people who hurt him like the rapist, so I hope he acknowledges jihwan is a threat to him too.

Btw Jihwan is exactly like his dad so I'm sure that he's gonna lock him up once soyoung calls him out on his bullshit. I despise jihwan so I really hope if there's ever a redemption arc for him they won't immediately jump to having them in a real relationship. Cause before jiwan and soyoung get together (ew) first I ship jihwan and a mental institution.
2024-05-30 11:39 marked
People saying this is not that deep. We can all agree the n word is offensive. It's about the whole anti-immigration campaign and villainization of black people. The authors have the right to not like immigration, i guess... But foreigners are the one bullying koreans. Like this literally doesn't happen. And there's actually so much racism and xenophobia in Korea. People that are asians but not koreans will literally get violently bullied as well. So it makes literally no sense that this black kid would bully someone cuz he's fully korean. On top of one his parent is korean bruh. + the black character being drawn like this is so...interesting. It's even more interesting when the saviour is mixed with white and he looks "beautiful". Like this whole chapter is filled with racism. If you don't get that, you're either dumb as hell or you just don't care about racism.
2024-05-27 23:05 marked
some of yall actually think therapy is going to solve all their issues immediately...like these TEENAGERS are heavily traumatized at such a young age, obviously they're gonna grow up to have issues that affect their communication with people. therapy can help them to go through their issues, but it's not easy to get through their issues when they grew up in a harsh & cruel environment. the reason why i'm saying this is because i'm seeing people commenting stuff like blaming haesol for not getting therapy?? ZERO media literacy please think about it!! she was abused and neglected by her guardians!!! obviously it's hard for her to understand emotions if she never got to experience a healthy childhood!!!!!!
2024-05-27 22:46 marked
also alphonso is nice and all but damn he doesnt even feel like a ml material to me he's sooo boring istg a dead fish has more personality than him i hate caesar so much but atleast his scenes aint boring
2024-05-23 23:42 marked
Yeah, I loved this when I was young and stupid but this is a no for me. He's lucky the uke didn't dump his fucking ass. Trust him? Trust him!? Bitch, you're not drawing clear lines with all these people running after you. You're not being trustworthy to begin with. Playing petty games like agreeing to go somewhere at night with that girl in front of the uke? Fuck outta here.

Act trustworthy and then you deserve trust. Trust is earned, not given freely.
2024-05-14 23:04 marked
Born to yuri, forced to get fooled by a male bastard ಠ‿ಠ
2024-05-13 02:55 marked
‘He fell in love of her sincerity’ MY ASS. Do you mean her naïveté? If so, well of course it is! Dude was so petty, hypocritical, and perfect to end up with her tf. She’s so naive that it hurts. just because you’re looking for your sister whom you’ve BETRAYED doesn’t mean you’re a good person. You had her who deeply cares about you and if you could’ve just told her what this sonovabich is doing, maybe the story would’ve ended but noooo I want to experience my obsession with this guy. This ain’t Stockholm if the girl liked him since before and the “I’ll never hate you” bs. Trash x trash but not the good one. I don’t like characters who thinks they are innocent and justify it as being naive. NAIVEDEEZNUTS-

Anyways, I’m staying here for Arisa. You can have all these bitches but I wanna see what she’s gonna do even though I just skipped most of it.
2024-05-12 04:24 marked
a haunting exploration of the patriarchy, systematic oppression and exploitation, and the horror of girlhood. not womanhood, because these girls never got the chance to experience it. i love that the author doesn't shy from nuances, showing how the men and women who want to know the truth and want to escape the system are silenced as a result. how everyone else takes mental shortcuts to avoid confronting their own depravity and complicity. how the rapist doesn't care until it's his own daughter. how girls fight and betray one another for the dream of romance and oppulence and nobility. how girls love and defend and support each other whenever they can, even while dying. every chapter is horrifying and well-written, and the author is adept at making my heart drop the same way at the end of each.

from one writer to another, it's kinda hilarious that the author intended to base this on anne of green gables (wonderful series). i get how plot bunnies can get away from us, and how research and further contemplation on the subject matter practically force our hands to write something completely different. I've thought "it'll just be a quick fluffy oneshot!!! A would be doing this, B would be doing that... oh but then B would.... then how can A justify.... oh great now i have to plot out a total overhaul of the justice system" one too many times lmao
2024-05-09 20:55 marked
Nah I dont care what stupid metaphor the author tries to use, it’s impossible to feel like she’s the caged bird in this situation knowing she was perfectly happy to groom and use him for her revenge. So she regrets it now just because he didn’t use his memories to circumvent one ambush when he was a child in a war. It’s just too far-fetched to expect a teenager to prevent the death of his superior in a war that he wasn’t originally a part of, even if he did have his memories at that point. His path had diverged in the timeline same as hers had and how tf is he supposed to remember every little thing and be in control of everything when he was what sixteen? Seventeen? Be so fucking forreal. Maybe he was jealous of dietrich and wanted him out of the picture but even id that’s true, he only has so much influence at that point in the story and she was screaming at him for him for being a child in a war SHE PUT HIM IN. Not to mention, she should have reevaluated herself when she found out dietrich wasnt even dead.

She’s holding a grudge and being petty at this point and honestly it just sounds like she’s humiliated because she thought she had all the power over him but was wrong. She’s just butthurt she doesnt have all the control. Not to mention taking it out on the kid who did nothing wrong. She should have just aborted it if she didn’t want the responsibility of raising his child. She disgusts me. It’s not even that I think he’s innocent. They are both messed up and when they were villians bound for revenge together it was really cool, but now she wants to play the victim and act like he’s done some great crime against her for daring to be on equal footing to her. It feels like they put this scene that alludes to him assaulting her to make readers feel like she’s the victim but she literally created this whole mess in the first place. And then she kisses him on the cheek and cries about leaving him? I’m SICK of her.
2024-05-09 00:12 marked
this kind of Manga often shows an image that is really culturally bad for women.
often, they are worthless after a certain deadline.
They are stuck in a life of submission and owe their salvation only to the man who deigns to show them attention.
2024-05-09 00:10 marked
Honestly, I don't really know if the story corresponds to a manga. Let me explain: it’s terribly realistic, cold reality. It's a story about a couple who spent their honeymoon where one of them made a mistake and the other must forgive them. This is not a funny story. It’s a frustrated story of a perfectly imperfect human.
2024-05-08 20:11 marked
If y'all want more chapters there's a website called "mangajinx.com" and it has this and more stories/manga/etc. That's where I read sometimes
2024-04-27 08:21 marked
i wish the ending was more romantic which i guess was difficult but i can’t help but be so underwhelmed by the ‘ending’. the two people talking about death the most and they don’t even die together….or get to be together at all. it kind of just seems like all that build up was for nothing? what was the point of tsugumi popping up all the time like the bad guy.. but never actually doing anything besides talking shit? they just said “oh btw he might have killed kaname’s mom!” and then just moved on..? i loved the edginess and morbidity of this series!! it feels like there’s no real resolution to anything. shiina is still living ..? kaede has brain damage and kaname doesn’t get to be with shiina…. booo…
2024-04-22 07:11 marked

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