it is wholesome enough that haru is trying to explain that kaya might mistook family love as romantic. it will be so so so much better if haru and kaya stay as siblings. haruno has always consider him as her little brother fgs!! some said it's illogical for Ran to genuinely consider Kaya as her lil bro as they've only live together for some months but Ran is trying her best to keep her mom happy. when her mom asked her to take care of her new lil bro, so she did.
also to be clear i also am annoyed with how indecisive haruno is :/ please be firm girl. STAND YOUR GROUND U AND NASU ARE IN A RS?!!
2025-03-19 17:43 marked
2025-03-18 08:50 marked

2025-03-12 20:38 marked
2025-03-08 19:57 marked

First the environment they were in, all the people around them said it's only natural with girls, some even said it was disgusting even to hold hands. Growing up in that kind of surrounding grows a fear in you and he loved his best friend the one person who he didn't want to hate him.
Second the moment he realised his feelings for Hinata, it was at time where Hinata was molested, and were still kids so naturally he thought it was disgusting of him to have same thoughts as the old man who molested his best friend.
Also coming out is not easy.
I feel Seiji's character was more of a realistic character.
2025-03-08 01:16 marked

I'm asking this for those who camp here everyday to defend like hyenas this title and can't seem to find even one little wrong aspect to it.
There's hardly any real reason or value as to why a content like this should exist, aside the fact that it exists because it was created and mostly for porn consumers.
What at first appeared to be a revenge bl reveals to be another rape porn of the worst kind. It was written in a way that you can't sympathize with the characters or blame them totally for their wrongdoings once you realize that both are absolute trashes to each other, so what's left? The porn. This enables the readers to satisfy their voyeurism and mortiferous curiosity without feeling bad.
It seems bl authors are unable to write a decent revenge plot without turning it into a shit show of degrading obscenities with mindbreak. Thanks to the Korean readers who protested, if not there's chance you'd read beastiality too with this one. This poor Jiwook have no idea... And we all know that if not for the handsome characters, and mostly the art bringing it, you fans of such would be there wanting to wash your eyes clean and a refund for your wasted time - just like for Pocket n°7. Lol.
And before invoking Hannibal Lecter... Classic movies like Silence of the Lambs, Saw or series like Dexter have a moral dimension to them and a MESSAGE to convey while they can display the most gruesome scenes. There's injustice, crimes but also RETRIBUTIONS. Punishment. The criminals pay their crimes by losing their lives or being sentenced to prison. The spectators bear the movie till the end bc they know the outcome of such actions. This makes the movie, book... digestible and bearable.
In this case of Reverse Thinking, message is nonexistent. There's no retribution nor redemption, only harm. Any reader who was expecting something is left hopeless and drained. It feels like a mental assault.
Don't give the excuse that all this brutality and g/rape is fictional, therefore we should let it a pass for everything. Litterature and art, science, start with an idea and concept, but have the power to move societies and influence the world. We know that for some people, Star Wars has become a religion and philosophy. Some genius writers are deified... So words and imaginery can have huge impacts on people's mind and actions, for the best or the worse. However depending on the situation the aspect 'fiction' is either willingly omitted, or brought up as justification bc you porn consumers have no other reason as to why you can enjoy this type of thing.
I personally don't have issue reading controversial stories involving sa, rape or violence, simply bc yaoi is populated by these books. I, though, have issues regarding that kind of show and poorly written plots ; the absolute absence of retribution for the perpetrators.
About that last point, this story have a problem of consistency and rationality - should I say, just like other pornwas with Stockholm Syndrom (No Reason, the Bad Life...).
After ml rape and beat the shit out of mc, they always joke, kiss and laugh, do 'banters' as if that was normal human interactions. Though inconsistent, the authors need to include these little exchanges bc if not, it will fall into the category of horror, and not 'bl' :')
Last paragraph:
To be clear, I have dropped that title a while ago. This won't be the last of the sort and I'm afraid this is just the start of a florilège and mass production of these extrem, violent contents in Manhwas, for the bl genre. This is what is popular now, and this is what you want it seems. Titles like KS, Warehouse, An Easy Target... had contributed to the production of works like Reverse Thinking and other Corrosive and now these vulgar stories amplify that tendency. Many more authors will try their hands on this niche ; they want to work and get their bag and they know that it will garanty them exposure and money.
Stories like this just make me want to stay away from bl, tbh, specifically from manhwas. Aside some valuable titles lost amongst the growing mass, majority of bl manhwas are porn with same forgettable plots and ever growing p*nis. Tired.
Where's the romance, the forbidden love, the build-up, the mystery, where's the intrigue...?
2025-03-07 19:34 marked
2025-03-05 17:57 marked
2025-03-04 15:07 marked
2025-03-01 11:04 marked

now there’s some think I didn’t quite like and I think we’re unnecessary: the cheating plot wasn’t needed at all… I think it goes against Asami’s straight forward way of acting and doesn’t really match his character when you know he was aware of his chef having a wife. The ex is really disappointing as well and doesn’t deserve his wife… lastly I didn’t like the moment when Asami was telling Sakuraba about how he didn’t wanted to be treated like a woman (he said smth along the lines of “I won’t laugh or be happy if you pay the bill and hold the door for me like a woman would), honestly pretty weird if you ask me, women aren’t just simple being who needs things to be paid for and door to be help open for them to be happy, and reducing them to that is meh… wish the author would have developed deeper into the misogynistic aspect of the story.
2025-03-01 10:33 marked

I mean, how would you feel if some fucking guy asked you to go to the funeral of a guy who you didn't even know, just because the dead guy had a crush on you. And then while at the funeral his mom gives you his diary that's filled with thing's about you, with specific dates and times. LIKe bitch? I'd be creeped the fuck out!
what's worse is that his own mother and best friend just stood on the sidelines and let him be a little creeper, they inhibited that stalking behaviour, which would only make him think that he isn't doing anything wrong.
I honestly have no idea as to why anyone hates this girl. She's coping quite well with having found out that she was being stalked.
2025-02-26 21:19 marked

This is the definition of a intermediate artist who must be between 18-20 wanting to draw out their virgin, beautiful, loyal, pure MC with a sexy demon who will only come to love her cause she’s “different” tasting from other girls.
I already KNOW the girl must be one of his old loves or FIRST love cause AINT no way the dude started to think the other women taste like crap after sleeping with so many in prior chapters. Plus, how in the hell is she wanting to be his only but “it’s too embarrassing” to do it?
2025-02-26 20:35 marked

Y’all be safe out here. For real. I beg.
2025-02-23 18:29 marked
2025-02-22 21:48 marked
2025-02-21 20:07 marked

Jaeha didn't go through years of mental, physical, and physiological abuse to be termed the attacker and have the one guy who he thought he could look to help for terms as the victim. Every single thing in their conversation made it seem like Kiwoon didn't think Jaeha was worthy of getting any help or assistance because he hit him once. It's insane that everyone in this story only sees Jaeha as an antagonist either to be hated or tamed.
It is sickening and I worry for Jaeha even more because no one around him is willing to admit that he suffered the most and is most deserving of any and every kind of help. It feels like the author is unsure how to represent the characters they wrote, they don't realise the narrative they're setting up is wrong.
Imagine if Jaeha by chance heard anyone of what they had said to each other, all the efforts he'd put into moving on would be undone and he would run away again this time permanently scared for like because the one person he thought he could trust saw him as an attacker instead of the person whose been trying to get help all this time.
2025-02-17 18:52 marked
2025-02-15 14:48 marked

Sorry for typing so much.
2025-02-15 11:45 marked
2025-02-14 14:31 marked
please do not go for the cliche route author sensei