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Anpanan December 31, 2024 1:28 am

"This is the skin of a killer, Bella" type of shine

Anpanan November 30, 2024 12:16 am

I'm SO confused
So is Teacher Connie (long hair, taught the kids to read and fed them in orphanage) a different person from Miss Connie the maid?

    RiuzukiBL November 30, 2024 12:19 am

    No you bum SHES THE CAREGIVER. The one who worked at the orphanage

    Anpanan November 30, 2024 12:20 am

    Bc ngl this whole time I thought Connie got hired as a maid after Duke cleansed the orphanage of the abusers, and they have like the same hair and eye color. Like I rmbr in the first couple of chapters, Leo talks about how Miss Connie was the only adult that cared, and then later like someone calls the first maid to not be afraid of Leo, Connie.

    Fvckあなた November 30, 2024 12:30 am
    Bc ngl this whole time I thought Connie got hired as a maid after Duke cleansed the orphanage of the abusers, and they have like the same hair and eye color. Like I rmbr in the first couple of chapters, Leo tal... Anpanan

    oh , they are different person with the same name , u think the author lost in thought on that part or the translation , cause sometimes i just twist the maids name so that i cant hate her , connie is a name to be hated with so thats it

    Anpanan November 30, 2024 12:37 am
    No you bum SHES THE CAREGIVER. The one who worked at the orphanage RiuzukiBL

    Bruh I literally said that multiple times in my comments, Ik she worked at the orphanage. So ur saying no, teacher connie is not a different person from maid connie

    Anpanan November 30, 2024 12:43 am
    oh , they are different person with the same name , u think the author lost in thought on that part or the translation , cause sometimes i just twist the maids name so that i cant hate her , connie is a name to... Fvckあなた

    Ohhh ok that makes sense. I got confused bc I don't think I've ever seen Maid connie and Teacher Connie in same panel before, and they look so similar besides the bangs, oop.

    Josey November 30, 2024 12:44 am
    Bruh I literally said that multiple times in my comments, Ik she worked at the orphanage. So ur saying no, teacher connie is not a different person from maid connie Anpanan

    They're different person, same name.

    RiuzukiBL November 30, 2024 1:04 am
    Bruh I literally said that multiple times in my comments, Ik she worked at the orphanage. So ur saying no, teacher connie is not a different person from maid connie Anpanan

    Ahhh, I thought you were asking who Connie was

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