He lied about it all along and uke has been living simply and idly about his life and goals and career to get a breather and even left home because of depression not passing the exam. He has personal struggles already and joongdo made him feel special but they were lies. It is not his pride or ego but he heard the words he escaped from in his town about not passing exam, being of that age without achievements, and even told to be a gold digger... Adding another issue to his unresolved issues of not being able to study long hours because he accepted love he didn't expect to happen in the facade of the lies and manipulation of Joongdo. We love to know Jd loves him so much to the point of sacrificing his wealth, his time, even took care of him a lot during his breaking point and lows, but he does not get it why. He doesn't see it in Uke's pov and still, at the end, he went pass the point and say things again without thinking thoroughly, saying he can give more money. Joongdo needs to know the friend issue, and that's uke's fault for keeping it in - because they were joongdo's freinds.
Yes, it is sad, complicated and we can be bias to who we agree with, and I feel for both of them.. they just have to work it out. Uke loves him too. He is just not okay with the lavish life. He needs to accept Joongdo has money. Joongdo have improved a lot too. He now feels pain because of love, cared for a person so much, vocal about his feelings, he has to work on being honest and mature with money.
I am really excited for the next chapter, while crying the shit here.
It was never intended, wasn't it? Lol