just wondering but wasnt there a large scan group uploading this series for the longest time??? i think they were called saving your tooches since 2k19 or something. what happened to them?

I really can’t give ya a straight answer. I liked for them within the three months they stopped uploading and I just straight up foundry find them, they just disappeared. After I noticed no one was uploading I decided to upload the official translation. I was surprised to see so many people still interested in this manwha and continued to upload.

at the end of the last season i think it was pretty clearly suggested that since melissa broke the circle for yuri, she has to become the new protagonist/the book is now targetting her. however, since the whole mc of the "story" has changed, we don't know what else has changed: including the male leads. the other previous male leads also started treating her nicer (except for moneybags who we havent seen yet). since the story has changed altogether does this mean the male leads could have also changed?
tl;dr i think nines is now under the book's "spell" and thats why he's treating her different, especially considering the emphasis placed on his overprotectiveness and melissa's annoyance at it. either that or its cus he watched her nearly die lollll

im all for revenge and all that but im on like chapter 4 and the teacher just???? filmed himself feeling up an unconscious middle schooler?????? what the fuck??? go fuck over your bully not sexually assault an innocent (she is innocent but even if she werent this would still be so fucking far from ok) 14 year old you fuck up
ok im up to chapter 11, my bad.
Soooooo many things here that either annoy me or perplex me or infuriate me. list reads as follows (includes but not limited to):
1. The story is very unclear about the relationship between euthigen and lindsay. at the very beginning i assumed he was a secondary love interest (especially cus of that one moment at the beginning where he feels her up and tells her her chest is flat), then I assumed it was some sort of one sided crush thingy with lindsay being the one side, especially cus hes so much older. then it implies based off a) literal dialogue where she references him as a father and brother figure to her, and b) their considerable age gap (he's fully grown when they first meet, and she's 12), that they have a father/daughter or brother/sister relationship. THEN, based off the ending and "sacrificing his love for her so that fian and hers could go on" or whatever its implied that its romantic love. its implied romantic love/relationship because if it were father/daughter or brother/sister, theres no reason why that relationship couldnt go on. especially if we're operating under the pretense that its a father/daughter relationship they could've totally gone on on good terms- that whole "ur no longer my subordinate" ending was entirely unnecessary. i didnt expect for euthigen and fian to be best buds or anything given their past/the kings past actions and all, but there is no reason lindsay and euthigen couldnt have remained on decent terms with a little effort. fian literally says they couldve made an effort to do this, practically verbatim in the last few chapters. the ending was just wholly abysmal. anyway, they didn't clarify their relationship well at all and often felt really really really uncomfortable when theyd switch at the drop of the dime from vaguely romantic to father daughter
2. literally already forgetting some of this from how generic the ending turned, but fian's weird possessiveness is never addressed and is instead doubled down on in the last few chapters. he outright says stuff like "ill keep you here for days weeks months years, however long it takes for you to like me" and "where ever you run, ill find you and bring you back here" and its framed as this cute little thing but like what??? what is cute about this when she is actively trying to run away and put distance between them?? and then he literally locks her into her room at the end (which leads me to how incredibly passive she becomes especially in the last act, but we'll get there later). the story seems at least somewhat self aware of how creepily possessive fian acts at times but never addresses or resolves it. that stupid little sequence in the last chapters where its (i assume) supposed to be his internal dialogue vs his actual dialogue where his internal dialogue is saying stuff like "ill never do anything you dont want me to do, i dont want you to hate me, you can leave if you want" etc is meaningless and empty because he never acts on it or vocalizes it nor is it addressed again.
3. one of my biggest gripes about this whole story is how it introduces the mc as physically strong, good with a sword, stong willed, etc and then slowly turns her into this passive hand-wringing bitch, especially in the last third of the story. we see her use a sword and actually fight someone all of like 3 times- once in the beginning with the princess, once when eurssica (wtvr her name is i forget) reveals she is a woman and they have the standoff, and at the end with the evil alchemist (forgot his name) who mops her. im not saying she should be some comically op fighter but it would be nice to see her actually fight and kick ass more than 3 times in the whole fucking story. later in the story when she's getting increasingly more guilty feeling about the love fian is showing her knowing shes a double agent, its very annoying how she takes no action, she just sits around waiting for the other shoe to drop. she doesn't come clean to fian, she doesnt tell euthigen how she now feels about fian, she just sits there crying occasionally and its SO annoying. and its not even like she doesn't know who her allegiance (for the time) sits with, given that as soon as eurssica reveals her identity she instantly takes her hostage and flees to euthigen. if you had that kind of resolve why didnt you just suck it up and go back home to him or at least explain how you feel about fian to him?? its just so frustrating see how "strong willed" shes supposed to be in the beginning but doesn't actually act that way in pivotal times. she devolved from being someone we take seriously as a trained spy/fighter (which in all fairness this period didnt last long) into this pathetic tsundere thing whose only function is to just do tricks on fian and euthigen's dicks. also, i genuinely lost count of how many different little subplots/arcs there were involving her getting kidnapped or poisoned. legit counted at least 5 before giving up. every time id say "no way we're doing this again right" and then theyd DO IT AGAINNNN. its 6 if you count her getting locked away in her room with fian goes to go fight the alchemist dude.
4. in summary this shit pissed me off because i got my hopes up that itd be a genuinely decent well thought out story instead of the typical copy and paste churned out manufactured dogshit slop manhwa/manhua that fill the front page of this website. its my fault really