Smokey's experience ( All 0 )

Smokey's answer ( All 5 )

about get drunk
Smokey 17 06,2021
It was 4th of July I think I was 12 or 13 my mom let me drink cuz she said its better that I do it at home safe then somewhere else where I could potentially put myself in danger what she didn't expect was me and my cousin in law drinking 2 bottles of vodka she drank more then me but I stop counting after 6th shot it was bad I literally got black o......   reply
17 06,2021
about question
23 05,2021
Self centered bitch   reply
21 05,2020
I was like woah at first cuz the first Yaoi I read was really detailed and my dumbass thought the uke was a girl at first even tho it literally showed it was a guy and I still didn't realize until they were having sex lol   1 reply
03 03,2020
Smokey 19 01,2020
I screenshot a lot....then send it to my sister to see lol I really gotta do something bout this ~(~ ̄▽ ̄)~~   2 reply
19 01,2020

Smokey's question ( All 1 )

Smokey 17 06,2021
Hey so I just started working at Popeyes. It's my first job and it's hard. And I have really bad anxiety its hard for me to ask for help when I don't know what to do. I'm really fast learner so I get the hang of things quickly but the other day the lady who trains me left early and the Manger did to so I didn't really know who to ask. It was barely my second day so I just did what I did my first day but for the last 15 minutes I had no idea what I was supposed to do. And nobody told me anything so I just stood there till I needed to leave. I had a breakdown once I got home. I don't like not knowing what I'm supposed to do. But when I asked someone what I'm supposed to do they vaguely told me what to do. Do you guys have any advice or tips that would help? I'm just trying to get through this I'm planning on quitting when summer ends but my anxiety is making it really hard on me.
17 06,2021

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

“ i felt a hole in my soul this evening, i thought it wuld b different after i left treatment, i stood up to a demon, momma u shlda seen it”

3 hours
want to do watch anime

How to watch

9 hours
did discuss a movie

About Monsters, the Netflix series. We talked about it for hours and other cases. The survivors deserve to be free. FUCK THE ABUSERS. DIE.

11 hours