pls i want to read some bl enemies to lovers doesnt matter if its yaoi or shounen ai !! ♂
Technically a rival to lovers, but I’m fucking obsessed with this one
i just finished ch 140 where current fl remembers she was pushed by that short haired women in her previous life but im confused bc the woman calls the current fl beatrice as she falls so is the current fl in raelianas body beatrice?? or is it a diff soul? (● ̄(エ) ̄●)
Beatrice has Raeliana 1rst soul and the girl who pushed the actual Raeliana was the goddess
***SPOILER ALERT****I know its a late response but I wanted to add on to the previous comment. My interpretation of what happened is that the goddess killed the MC at the beginning of the story to become the new Beatrice, but original Raeliana knew she was going to die and drank a potion that put her in Beatrice's body instead of the MC. Because of this, the MC was put into Raeliana's body when she was supposed to be put into Beatrice's body.
So basically, the MC, who is now Raeliana, has Beatrice's actual (new) soul, while Beatrice has the original Raeliana's soul.
No don't think so Raeliana is a girl who should die she is just destined to die....1rst Raeliana discovered it so she went to see a black witch ( the one the queen killed), to take Beatrice place....the goddess took the 2nd Rarlina so she dies since if it didn't happen her playwright would be ruined....but 2nd Raeliana had her own will anf fight for her life facg the goddess acceptef at the end....
And i think Beatrice real soul is dead too....
No I don't think that is right. In chapter 140, when the goddess pushes the MC off of the building at the beginning of the story, she calls the MC "Beatrice." This is because the goddess meant for the MC to become Beatrice. However, original Raeliana found out about her fate to die and drank the potion so that her soul would go to Beatrice's body instead of the MC. So the MC's soul was put into Raeliana's body instead because Beatrice's body was already "occupied". This is why Raeliana was so unstable during the story and fainted at some points, because her soul was rejecting Raeliana's body because it was meant to be in Beatrice's body. This was only fixed once Beatrice died so the MC soul was like " well ig I have no where else to go" and it stopped fighting to leave Raeliana's body.
tldr; The goddess never meant for MC to become Raeliana. She meant for MC to become Beatrice.