Does the author envisioned themselves being an idiot about breaking up with the prince? I mean, if usually, but not at all times, they write stories and they put pieces of themselves in the story.... So... Is that a kink or something?
I'm sorry, it's just so annoying. I dropped this out if frustration. Ugh
From what I know, it's only happening in Asian countries. I'm from the United States and Mangago works totally fine for me ❤Valentine Vampire❤
Oh... but did they officially announced it that Asian countries will not be able to access this? Right now, I can. I'm just really worried that anytime now, I can't anymore in the future.
Oh... but did they officially announced it that Asian countries will not be able to access this? Right now, I can. I'm just really worried that anytime now, I can't anymore in the future. ✨IDGAF✨
It’s only certain parts of Asia, if you can still access it, it won’t effect you
Does the author envisioned themselves being an idiot about breaking up with the prince? I mean, if usually, but not at all times, they write stories and they put pieces of themselves in the story.... So... Is that a kink or something?
I'm sorry, it's just so annoying. I dropped this out if frustration. Ugh