I don't care for or even like the "Kameyama" relationship. Taka is still self centered and I don't care for how the president is still criticising him over the same things. You knew the man before you got together and your surprised he hasn't changed? Also, can their relationship even be called. A relationship when Taka is just using him for casual sex?
But hey if it means Arisaka will be with his alpha I am all for it. Their relationship seems cute and his alpha seems like a green flag. I would just rather focus on them ( even though I know taka is the mc). If anything I don't want Arisaka and taka back together. I want Arisaka to have a good ending and Taka won't grow out of his issues.
On the whole translation thing.... I have always found it distasteful when an uploader "claims dibs" in uploading. Like in some cases the fan translation is still uploading when someone swoops in and claims they will upload the official if it ever gets released....
In this case a notice was posted but I think it helps solidify your "claim" when you upload the chapter too. No claims... Just action. I am thankful to who can translate and post cause let's be honest this is an illegal site so let's not act as if we are some how being " civilized". I pay to read some different manga and manhua on different platforms. Other than I can't at the time, I read for free until I can. But posting here wether the day of, day later, or year later is still illegal. We are here to read the story illegally or be able to comment. When the official are posted honestly I don't think it effects the authors revenue cause those who will pay to read will regardless to support the authors and many of us here are here to read for free.
Let's not claim someone is being uncivilized cause they jumped the g*n. And the notices was sooo much of a tantrum to me. I get you made a "claim" or called "dibs". Send a nice DM to the person who posted, say you called dibs, ask the poster to please delete and move on. If they don't delete try to post again next time. I have noticed the g*n jumpers tend to stop after time. But lets be honest you and me are not any better than the person who posted the chapter early. Yes they should wait for respect to the authors but let's not pretend you being helping the author get paid. This an illegal site were many are here only to read for free.
Just my little rant. The whole thing seemed way too immature to me. Especially with the second notice. Sooo many manga here have multiple translation teams and even the official, as a reader I pick the one that I like the most. Let's get past this and move on, post your translation for chapter 25 and ignore the other person. Once again none of us, you or me included are any better than the person who uploaded instead of jasper.
I am thankful all uploaders though.
Hope the lord is ok. He is growing on me and I would not doubt it's varabitch's doing.
I don't think the ml is a god. As the MC mentioned, gods hear prayers even when they don't want to, so I doubt the ml is a god. I do want to know who the god of time is though cause the way they helped him twice is interesting. But I doubt he himself is that god.
Lol the first thing I thought of was the clone errore meme. Just imagine the doctor telling the ml that the MC is reborn. The ml scoffs and says to prove it only for the doctor to say he well the ml would rather retire than come back...... The ml goes yup that's him.
Very dumb idea but it's been on repeat in my mind lol.
"your unemployed and a good for nothing." Every time he brings up being a florist I think he is just adorable and it makes me think of what his dad or grampa said in the beginning. It makes me wonder if he has been mistreated or over looked by his family since he isn't as successful as his other sibling. I really hope the dragon falls head over heals for him and treats him right. Its also what makes his rape and treatment sooooo much more infuriating.
Leo would be freaking exhausting to date. He is very comfortable around other people, is immensely dense and can't read the read, has his whole lucky sex thing going on, doesn't express how he sees the relationship and used to treat his partner somewhat like sex buddies.....
In this case I can't freaking blame someone when his partner has at no point tried to express his disappointment. if leo was told to stop by JJ and did it any way he would be the AH in this relationship. But JJ stayed completely silent and tolerated it soo much to the point he broke. As dense as Leo is he should have communicated with him for him to know what he did wrong. I say this as I am way more similar to JJ than Leo but to me JJ is the most wrong here. I antisocial, tend to get taken advantage off, am introverted, tend to say silent and tolerated things untill I just can't and I have to express my discomfort and dissatisfaction. Those that brush my concerns under the rug, get cut off.
But i just can't get past how JJ never once expressed his concerns and instead is being a complete dick to leo. Once again I could never date someone like Leo, how he was in the relationship would be a big red flag for m. He would seem like a dick and exhausting to be with but if the person he is dating won't express what he doesn't like, he can't expect leo to read his mind. Sooooo yeah. I see the break up as childish on JJs part cause there was no communication. I cut people of my life and ghost them too but not after trying to express my dislikes. If they dont dont they dont know right.
AND NOW JJ is the biggest dick ever. He should have left Leo be if he was cutting him off. He is trying to hurt him and all I hope is for leo to just back of and try to rebuild his life and look for someone new who will actually communicate. Leo is insanely dense and if you dont want to put in the work to talk to him you cant expect him to put in the work to change.
I don't want to be too much of a complainer cause I know how hard it can be to write an novel and explain every well, but...
They completely time skipped so many events. While some of the conversation have always been 2 dimensional and awkward I didn't mind as long as the pacing was good. Everything just seems rushed now. Like what happened to the brother per say. Yes, I know he is dead but did he get a " good" burial or was his body thrown in an unmasked grave for being a traitor. The queens coronation. His best friends death was anticlimactic but did the others ever find out he was a traitor working for the demon queen? Did other opinion of him change after that? I think the ml going to see the mc could have been handled better. Like he feels so guilty he killed his friends and wants help, the mc tried to support him, one things leads to another and they get it on.... Rather than him killing his friend and going straight to having sex like killing his friend meant nothing.
I guess for me so much of the wedding was anticlimactic as it was barely talked about again. It's been a bit rushed since then that the story isn't as satisfying to read anymore compared to the first 40 ish chapters
I just hope the place he moves to thrives and his former country crumbs into despair untill they realize the severity for chasing him out.
I doubt it happens, but in my mind I keep thinking of all six children meeting up. With the eldest catching his sibling up to his new life and introducing himself as Aeroc instead of Rapiel.
I come back and re read the whole story ever few weeks and this little idea gives me some peace of mind for the children and Aeroc.