I've just been scrolling through the topics/ comments and I just hear all the fangirls soaking their panties about whether this will be a yaoi or not. But, tbh tho, I really want to see how it turns out if he (she now) really DOES drink the masculinity beverage. I'm not a fan of anything heterosexual, especially in otaku genres, but this was pretty funny. It was kind of stupid tho.

Omg. What a gold digger. (Well, I don't know if this is actually considered gold digging) I just wanna smack her in the face. After reaching the end, I was all like "This bitch is fucking dumb. Why don't you make the money you dick thirsty hoe."

Riiiight, she might even be lying about the pregnancy and if this so called fiance is gonna sue it's got ntn to do with him she already got her million yen which she claimed she wanted to get an abortion, plus she's the one that gave him the info to those guys she even gave them info on him, I'd seriously strangle her

I'm so happy! I've been waiting for this to get translated! I had to deal with the Japanese version which I could only understand a little bit. I always love yaoi manga where the protagonist is a prostitute of some sort. It's always interesting and this one is even better! They got boot ganged! Yeet! And they Mexicans! Ya boi! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Surprisingly, this manga can be used as a cookbook. I've always loved food and my mom loves to cook. My favorite genre in reading is yaoi and manga, so I find this very ironic and fun.Maybe next time I'll use this to cook for myself or to teach my mom new recipes in culinary art. I also need to learn how to be independent and cook for myself instead of my mom doing the cooking

I fucking swear. This manga is probably the sweetest (well, not really from my experience of reading over 100 yaoi manga) manga I've read so far. It made me literally cry my eyes out. And its surprising when i read the prequel, I didn't cry my eyes out when it was crealy more sad than this. Its just beautiful
Okay. So as I was reading, you know that translation note that said "Katsudon, blah blah blah, you might know it from Yuri on Ice" and I'm just like "Bitch, this IS Yuri on Ice" since the characters look so much like Yuri and Victor