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Lenyuu March 9, 2025 10:26 pm

Okay so, i loved this but i wouldnt call it a novum
I mean, the plot is quite fresh but it's still good ol shonen with a bit dense mc who believes in power of friendship - i really love this trope since i consider it a whole lot better than profit/pleasure obsessed homo economicus types (like denji lol). Mc really reminds me of Asta from black clover, tho soji is quite ace and doesnt really think of romance. He is not really special as shonen protag, he had some potetntal to be more crazed, but he is likeable and carries plot forward
What I love are actually other characters and their relationships. There is a lot of bromance, they talk with girls without treating them as other, weaker species and all of them have personalities - they are not only background for mc to power up. And, lets be frank, what 15years olds wouldnt be talking about friendship and miracolous teamwork, we have to remeber they are children
The plot is actually really nice, has lots of known tropes but is interesting and has as well lots of fresh outlooks on some things. I really liked how aithor showed traumas and relationships forming - like ren and kukuru who consider each other as more that family, i felt they were soulmates and loved each other (not necessarily romantically, it was not indicated as such) or how aira and string one (i forgot his name) could have ended up differently if only they were not as childish and both communicated openly (then again they are only children), it nicely shows in both those instances how words can affect others - also this is also what is what k does. Speaking of k, he is also very nice type of villain, the one you cant simply hate and makes you think about how easly we can turn to evil when we have no support or have unsupervised/untrated tendencies or griefs
The art is also very beautiful, clean and expressive
If I was to sum it all, if you dont want serious tragic heavy manga with characters kind of deprived of humanity (yeah I dont really like chainsaw lol) its nice story to read and relax. Fhere is lots of action but its light and has good characters

(Btw its not like i dont like heavier topics or brutal stories, its just that i always felt that chainsaw is just kinda shallow and as psychology major it annoys me quite a bit, and i think abt this manga cuz i spoke with fan of this and they hated on how stupid are shounens for so much positivity lol sorry for my random imput)

Lenyuu October 17, 2024 7:29 pm

I need to know what's going on between tsu and fuuma and why is tsu so fixated on fuuma..

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