This comment section is such a breath of fresh air for me and I love it.
The orv readers that I am familiar w and that I'm used to interacting w are those that either 1. joke around about kdj being a little silly (in a good and lovely way) or/and 2. those who are depressed and cries over him 24/7. Never been in a space where they THIRST over the fcking. KIM. DOKJA of all people lol Thats usually YJH's role tbf. YJH is like the babygirl of this series, the little meow meow who is not capable of inflicting harm on anyone haha and KDJ... Well, he is the one doing the harm /lh
Anyway, in short, keep it up! As much as I am finding it kinda chaotic now that more ppl are getting into orv- I also think it's inevitable and overall, diversity of opinion is sometimes a good thing ig.

But I lowkey want a twist this time...
(I still think he should beg for forgiveness don't get me wrong. Tho,) I don't want another BJ Alex tbvh. I'm not saying I'll hate the story if it's similar but I still can't help wanting more variation (and this time, improvement- hopefully), you feel me?
I know a TeamEdward vs TeamJacob situation will never happen here bcos somehow korean writers don't like that kind of tension and shts BUT DAMN I soooooo want a good and TASTEFUL new guy to swoop the whole community off our feet- not the OBVIOUS second lead bs ok? BUT a reallllllllll mind twisting, ship hopping and chaos inducing love triangle.
Disclaimer: No hate to these korean writers. Good for them if they want to follow the trend everytime. It's popular for a reason. I get it. Just sharing what >I< prefer and NOT what I think is right for the story, thats all.

Is the author fr when they said Minwoo won't be reappearing again? He played his role? He belonged in the past?
Fck. What about closure? They used him for Skylar's trauma plot so now it's ok to discard him? Writers that use trauma as a plot device but do it half heartedly is so triggering to me ugh so annoying

used him for skylar's trauma plot? what the fcuk are u talking abt lmao. the thing abt lost in the cloud is that it's REALISTIC. people that hurt u in the past usually stay in the past, they don't come back to in the future to cause more drama like it is in majority of manhwas. especially since skylar moved far away from his old school so it really would be unrealistic for them to just meet out of nowhere AND IT'S REALLY UNNECESSARY. "trauma as a plot device" are u hearing urself bruh there are ACTUAL PEOPLE in real life that went through something similar like skylar and the author wanted to show how traumatized people, deal with it and how they heal from it, skylar was written in a way that these people can relate to him. not bringing midwoo back also shows that it's not necessary for these people who hurt u in the past to come back to find closure. people come and go and life goes on. it's obvious that skylar already moved on from midwoo and he doesn't want to remember him so even for plot reasons what would be the point to bring him back? for unnecessary and boring drama? yall really need to move on from midwoo just like skylar did lol

Are you perhaps reading Lost in the Universe instead of Lost in the Cloud? lol
"it really would be unrealistic for them to just meet out of nowhere" you called the story realistic but if you read the latest translated chapter you'll see that one of the "past that hurt" Cirrus came back to haunt him tho lol so what now? Is Lost in the Cloud realistic or not? Typing a commnet that contradicted yourself? Oof. Not surprising when you can't even sit back and analyze what they were reading. SO SAD.
Learn to comprehend for shts my gosh. Did I mention anything regarding their traumas as being unrealistic in the slightest? Oh my gosh. For some reason, you find it just fineeeeee that Cirrus met the red hair guy but the mere thought of Skylar having a NORMAL healthy conclusion to his past trauma w Minwoo is "unnecessary and boring drama"? Oh brotherrrrrrrrr
Also, regarding plot devices. Can you look me in the eyes and tell me that Skylar and Cirrus' traumas are not being used to move the plot? Kindly, Respectfully, With all due respect, USE YOUR BRAIN.
The way you are reading a FICTIONAL story w SA as one of its plot/character development means (ok, before I continue, make sure to brace yourself for this BIG REVEAL, ok? Listen well, ) the writer is IN FACT using SA as their 'plot device'. You don't like the sound of it? A bit rude for you? Boohoo. Not anyone's problem but a YOU-problem, hun. Crying over a literal writing technique, srsly? Whats this clownery behavior youre on about rn?

There IS a reason for Minwoo's presence. For Skylar's closure.
BUT I'll give reasons why you all don't like Minwoo to come back, you all are too fixated on these character's role. You see a flawed character (in a story full of pretty much flawed casts) make faulty acts in the beginning AND bcos he is not part of the main characters but a villainous one so you all flat out don't want them to have a redemption in any way shape or form AT ALL. You all dont want to see Minwoo in any line but the 'big bad guy' line. The BOY could of shouted all the reasons in the world, but you all would not consider them one bit. The BOY could of shouted he felt betrayed by someone he treated as his own family and he felt sick when a lips of another was forced on him while sleeping- Which is why he made sure to let that person (Skylar) experience it himself. (dont react yet read the next one, come on)
(Important bit, make sure to read carefully) Were Minwoo's methods right at that time? No. Am I making light of what happened to Skylar? No. Am I saying Minwoo did nothing wrong? No. Did I like Minwoo? No. Is that why I am saying all these, do I really like Minwoo? No. Do I really think Minwoo felt bad for what he did to Skylar (as a 15-16 yo adolescent)? THAT I WOULD WANT TO KNOW.
You all want a bad character to stay bad. The antagonistic force is getting on you all way TOO well lol
But you know what, w all the things I spat out I want to conclude this rant by saying, you do you. If you want to stay fixated on the status quo, sure, why not. BUT you are in my comment box rn, YOU are in MY space and like I said, I AM not satisfied w Skylar having to not get his Minwoo chapter closure. Get on w it or LEAVE IT cos I won't.

there’s no need for you to think up reasons for me since you’re far off anyway. also chill out, it’s not that serious. you’re acting as if it’s illegal for people to reply to your post.
min woo does not need to come back at all, you don’t need to see the person who caused your trauma to be able to overcome it — and it’s more realistic for someone to grow as a person on their own rather than someone from their past randomly showing up in their lives. skylar literally moved far away from his hometown, why would he suddenly come across min woo? it’s such a cliche and tired trope and i’m so glad the author hasn’t gone down that overused route. why on earth would we need to see min woo get a redemption arc? this story isn’t about him, he doesn’t really matter in skylar’s present, he’s only an aspect of his past. and also what if he’s simply not that kind of person? not everyone just turns a new leaf and becomes good, that’s pretty unrealistic.

you’re already getting flamed and i want to add even more fuel to the fire. it would be extremely triggering if minwoo appeared in skylars life again WHAT?! he played his role as a bully and awful person, and this story is focusing on skylars healing journey, how he lives alongside his trauma, how it affects him even after moving environments, and now his new, deep connection with cirrus will allow him vulnerablity- one that was tainted and destroyed by minwoo…
we remember he was the main perpetrator in skylars social isolation/harassment/sexual assault right?? i don’t know what dreamland you’re living in but a confrontation between them wouldn’t resolve anything or heal trauma. people like minwoo don’t need to be forgiven in order for a victim to gain closure , in fact minwoo should be tortured by his actions until the day he dies and know skylar will never give him the peace to move on

I’m being sf serious when I say this, but what is it about this story? It attracted some of the worst types of ppl into its’ audience. Like GOD FORBID anyone says anything other than “character xyz best boy!” or sum shit cuz then suddenly you got a whole cult in your replies typing out their senior year PhD thesis about “why your opinion sucks and mine doesn’t!” And it’s not just your comment, I’m seeing it for ANYONE that voices any type of criticism or non-glazing opinion. Just aggressive and annoying for what.

I aint feeling the pressure cos to me you all are just a bunch of nosy (bit annoying) ppl shouting at someone (me) that is OBVIOUSLY on the opposite side of the bridge. Idek if you all are saying all these to change my mind or what. But either way, you all just wasting your time bcos I said what I said and I WANT WHAT I WANT.
You all are preaching about a possible closure between Skylar and Minwoo as being unrealistic but to me BOTH a closure and no closure are equally REALISTIC. Both can happen irl and if either one do happen here then, cool. It just so happen that >I< prefer the first option (closure) and! No one can change my mind bout that.

well no you basically said “i want skylar to have apples again” and im saying why would he have apples when he doesn’t like them and they grow out of state? you can get annoyed all you want, but getting this mad that people are disagreeing with you in a public forum is wild. it’s not like i was rude about it, there’s no need for hysterics. it’s not that serious

no one looked for you big bro you posted this opinion when a new chapter dropped and readers have to scroll to post a topic too? yours just happened to be there and we noticed how bad of a take this was it’s not that deep. and yea our goal was to change your mind because this was a very unsettling take that would only happen in cliche and badly written movies. it was to give you insight, so not really a waste of time since you read it but have a hard time backing down after being told you were wrong
bully apologizing to their victim… really… even now skylar is triggered by any slight change in his friendship and their behavior. if someone stabbed me and came back two years later to say sorry what would that do for me. does it heal my trauma around groups of people, does it change the pain i was in? the scenario you want only provides closure for minwoo, and not seeing that means you have a very naive outlook on trauma + victim/perpetrator dynamics. that isn’t realistic and closure isn’t only an apology, more so if it’s on this scale. sometimes the best thing is the persons absence from their life

people would’ve left your opinion alone if it wasn’t posted the day of uploading and if it wasn’t a wild take on closure. plus you did say his trauma was used half heartedly when this season is about skylar and cirrus opening up to each other. skylar has yet to process his trauma and confide to a friend about his experiences, which is pretty realistic considering he’s a young teenager whos past made him extremely insecure and doubtful about his presence in friendships. you’re kinda jumping to conclusions when the story is barely kicking off about both their healing journeys… last two seasons established their dynamic and how they grew to tolerate then like one another, while this season gives them room to grow together

when a take is pretty… out there, doesn’t it make sense to leave your think piece and carry on. and even then our opinion was criticizing how a victim doesn’t need an apology from a bully because of the harm they caused. we were providing insight that an apology isn’t the best form of closure. your take has some value but you missed the mark by including us in that “worst types of ppl into its audience” when this is literally just a disagreement about closure?? have you seen the jinx comment section lmao

Get this inside your head ok? I'm not mad (more like annoyed) bcos you disagree w me. I'm annoyed bcos youre out here pushing your views on someone that OBVIOUS do not care. Youre endlessly preaching at me that you like oranges but bro, like I said, I prefer apples. MOVE. TF. ON. I care less if you agree or disagree w me ffs... have some common sense at least.
You can have your own damn opinion somewhere down the comment section and I'll EASILY ignore it. But isn't it comical that you and the rest of you all do not have the same decency but preach how >I< give too much sht? Can't you see how hypocritical you are sounding rn?

It doesn't matter if I posted my comment regarding the same topic the day a new chapter is posted or in the far future. I'll still say the same damn thing and have the same damn opinion.
Aren't you finding it crazy that youre (you all are) being TOO controlling of someone else's opinion AND of someone else's timing of posting the said opinion?

“preaching at me” bro i commented twice about your opinion because you responded to me?? it’s pretty comical that you’re getting this worked up when you could’ve just ignored it too or replied with “that’s how i feel, not trying to have my opinion changed” from the start. it’s fine to do that and i would’ve moved on! the lack of critical thinking and common sense from you is so confusing because you weren’t even willing to have a conversation about it yet posted this publicly… the lack of community you have is so jarring lmao!! god forbid someone criticize you or at least try to hear you out on a public forum. you don’t owe anyone anything but isn’t it logical that people will comment on something they agree or disagree with, or is that too difficult for you to realize? oh brother the hypocrite calling others hypocrites, when i didn’t do or say the things you’re calling me a hypocrite over .

I only said the truth. You lack reading comprehension and replied to my comment w utter nonsense. With such gibberish reply like yours being praised, do you expect anyone to give a serious response? bffr
But now that youre here. Aren't you gonna respond to my reply to you lol have some balls come on. We both know you made such stinky first reply to me but still, you can man up and acknowledge the elephant in the room at least

i was literally not even talking to you in this response, what are you doing?? if you used some common sense, you would’ve seen i was replying to someone else, i have no words
you can have this opinion no one is saying you can’t. they’re just giving you more information or insight in case you missed it calm down bro. you’re not getting hung at stake, why are you acting like people disagreeing with you is somehow controlling your opinion or timing (?)... i told you to expect replies because everyone comments the day of uploading not a crazy concept right? kinda hilarious that you’re getting upset over nothing from my last reply and somehow think you’re getting pushed around. clearly felt the pressure from a normal thing called a conversation

(I think youre confused once again, I meant to say I honestly decided to not read your last 2 comments. I did read your first 3 comments before that tho.)
Also, that I kinda agree. I based my attitude on the way you all approach me. Most of you want to feed me your views and you treat those w opposite opinions as if theyre >objectively< 'wrong' (your own word).
Saying smth like, "was to give you insight, (so not really a waste of time since you read it) but have a hard time backing down after being told you were wrong"... Ugh. We are all here having our own >subjective< wants and dislikes. I want a closure, you dont want it. Simple as that. How tf is someone right or wrong for that? Bcos closure is unrealistic? Ffs. Righttttt, that part as well. I felt personally attacked when I first read you all say that. It's cliche? I beg you all to not say that to anyone irl. If I were told the same thing back then I aint gonna make it lol Closure is def not unrealistic I know that myself (take that as you will)
You all can't just paint me like I was wrong for wanting smth I know well that might help (closure) and expect me to... Not react.
If only you all just given me a vibe that youre here to agree to disagree then, I'll be willing to do so. But no. Whats w this way of disregarding closure? Saying theyre wrong for wanting closure? Fr? Is the concept of individuals having different ways to cope to trauma such a foreign thing now?

Oh you pulled the fake idgaf attitude, huh.
For someone that is saying they dgaf you lack the resistance to actually not give a fck and to not reply both times to me lol
Got the time to try and call someone cringe but sure, you won't bother to argue sure lol thats why I called you a clown the first time hun the way you don't have the brain capacity to comprehend others and your own thoughts before you comment is so comical.

i luckily won’t have to say this irl because real adults and other bully victims wouldn’t have this take so idk? and one last time closure doesn’t always involve an apology and that was the main point i was trying to make. YOU can want one but it’s not the only way and if you reread your original paragraph/some other responses, you’ll see that you implied closure was only given if minwoo appears in skylar’s life and apologizes. i tried to factor in skylars current trauma responses to how he wouldn’t be able to mentally handle a reunion with his bully… the last part about me criticizing with your take on the story half heartedly showing trauma was truly an agree to disagree take explaining that the progression of the story made sense imo
also sorry for saying rude things when you didnt address me, i thought u we’re coming for me and reciprocated it that’s all. it’s kind of insane what a 5 hour nap does for a person after not sleeping all night. i genuinely don’t know who that was

but ok here me out one last time on this, if someone takes part in your sexual assault isn’t that alone valid enough to never want to be in their presence or believe an apology isn’t necessary? which i why im a little confused on your strong stance on closure = a face to face discussion about an apology. im not asking for an explanation (in case you dismiss me), but im pretty much offering understanding on my end about why i strongly disagreed with you
skylar did transfer schools and move because of the incident and is currently in therapy (?) :/ so i don’t think disagreeing with u is the wild or forceful take you’re making it out to be besides clapping back to the rude insults that come with it

(Lol long convos, multiple users to talk to and different context as well. No wonder youre confused. It was not a big deal tho dw)
Ok back to the topic. Did I mention an apology? Idk... I might missed smth but I did a quick check and I'm pretty sure I did not insinuate such thing? An apology is appreciated ig but not the kind of closure I was envisioning. I was thinking more so of a situation where they just talking it out- calmly this time. You moved on from someone if you are no longer getting affected by them, imo. It's a good way to showcase Skylar's growth through that (again, imo). But again, like how I kept on repeating like a broken record, thats only what I want. I'm not pushing anyone to follow my way. (but I also don't want others shtting on me for... wanting smth fyi so pls keep that in mind)
Did I mention or implied that closure was the ONLY solution to Skylar's trauma? I dont think so.
Last one, about the half heartedly part, it was a huge writing pet peeve of mine. I don't know what more to tell you. I simply find it annoying and theres no grand logic behind it.
Are we clear now? Anymore problem?

“just a disagreement about closure” when your first words to op were literally “you’re already getting flamed and i want to add even more fuel to the fire”. Like if the shoe fits right? And I’m not sure if you were one of them, but there’s folks popping veins calling op “cringe” whilst saying someone else “ate” for just repeating the most popular takes. Like yh they ate air. Oh you think this specific plot device was used correctly? Congrats you agree with the author

Lol since you replied I came back and the way the replies doubled lmaoooo. Flying the “idc” ass attitudes around meanwhile their mentions are HOT and they’re on a reply rampage. You’d think someone stole their firstborn given by how pressed they are. I hope you’re as entertained as I am from reading these.

i know it’s a little hard for you to understand things! but when i said that it, it = op is getting a lot of heat for this and im also bringing my disagreement to the table although many people already said similar things
is that really so controversial lmao? that doesn’t even align with what you said either hun… op’s allowed to have this opinion and i wanted to provide a different perspective because i disagree? it wasn’t about “proving” anyone wrong about how they feel but giving more insight in hopes they see where other people stand. plus from reading their replies from before my comment, i got an even better understanding from op’s thoughts which is why i tried to explain how it makes sense to me. that’s how conversations usually go and it wasn’t as big of a deal as you’re making it out to be when there’s genuinely worse comment sections other than petty disagreements. debate doesn’t = you can’t criticize anything about a story. sure other ppl were aggressive but this was… tame. attitude and harsh words were given but there’s also a block button if op didn’t care to argue?

Block buttons work both ways?? Who would’ve thought. It’s okay to be slow though :P Also you keep projecting this onto other comments sections like this ain’t the oppression olympics it doesn’t excuse being shitty. And I didn’t read all of your replies regarding the subject so idk what conclusion you came to or didn’t with op. Nor was my original comment aimed specifically at you, you’re the one who replied to me first. idk why the last part of my comment got cut off but I ended it with saying that engaging in discourse is one thing but dogpiling and shitting on someone who disagrees with you is another. This is especially considering the plot and majority of the audience are alrdy on your side.

so you’re mad that i’m commenting on your public post that is accessible by everyone? you must not be able to stand the idea of someone disagreeing with you if you’re this bothered by myself and others replying with contrary ideas. you’re saying you don’t care but you’re throwing insults and pulling out the capitalisation so clearly you do? i’m afraid you’re not making any sense, what does “decency” have to do with replying on a public post. what’s hypocritical about what i’m doing? do you know what “hypocritical” means? what’s hypocritical about my replying to you? did i say you can’t reply? no. i didn’t insult you, i just had an opposing opinion. lol i don’t need to move on if i don’t want to, i have time to spare. delete your original post if you're so annoyed by us, but instead you just continue replying and getting madder. it’s hilarious

I said this before and I'll say it AGAIN, I do not mind if you all disagree w me. I totally can agree to disagree ig. What I don't like is how you all are persecuting me for sm >I< 'want' to happen. I was not here going around saying "I'm right, you all are wrong" (unlike some of you ehem).
Basically, I simply said I want closure but here you all coming up at me going "well, youre wrong. Closure is bad." like?? Daym ok?? How do you expect me to react when you unexpectedly get hit by that, huh?
In fact, I care less what you all want. I want smth to happen but you all want other things, simple as that. No need to tell me 'closure' is unrealistic, it does not happen irl and so I was wrong lol cos I. do. not. care. itfp. (and you all shouldnt care about what >I< want THIS MUCH as well!)
If you all find closure bad for some fcking reason, I. did. not. ask. You disagree? Ok. But no need to go so far as discredit what and why I want a closure cos I won't do that to smone I agree to disagree w. Know the difference.
Again! 1. I want what I want. And, 2. I don't need anyone telling me WHY it's wrongggggg to want what I want. Ffs. Can't even comprehend smth that simple?

Cos like, I'll fight Diana for Heli all day everyday. A rich dude that only wants his partner to do what she's expected of? Nothing more nothing less? Just a partner in life who can contribute?? (shocking) lol bro Diana, hun, I like you (kinda) but come onnnnnn thats nothing. This dude's standard is like, the bare minimum.

I am not so sure about that, like I get that Heli is not expecting much from Diana but it also didn't take Heli long to you know sort start emotionally cheat on Diana. I am definitely not gonna like a guy who starts looking at other women and relationships as soon as his own become less than ideal or even a couple of weeks of fight. Hestia definitely doesn't like Heli but Heli himself is starting to tow the lines now with his completely onesided feelings, his feelings might be slightly ambiguous about whether he actually likes Hestia or likes what she provides in a relationship but the lines are certainly blurry. Of course Diana also has her own issues and is starting to have her own slight (for now) cheating adventures. They look like a pair who jumped into a relationship they were unprepared for and are basically both starting to cheat in some measures after just some disappointment in their relationship. And no matter how rich a guy is nobody will tolerate a cheater.

Heli and Diana are unprepared for an actual relationship alright lol
Actually, Heli expected A LOT from Diana. In fact, she expected her to rule WITH him. To help him w governing and such. (Pretty funny how he's expecting such actions from a commoner who is not trained and not... capable like Diana. But oh well.)
Heli is actually hella responsible when it comes to his official duties. In fact, I whole heartedly think he did love Diana until the very end of the novel. BUT fcking Diana is inflexible, a big liability and so incapable to lead that he decided to choose his work than love.
Thats also WHY he kinda had a bit of crush towards Hes at one point. It's just a short lived crush guys lol you all it's not like it was love or smth. What he liked is how capable Hes is when it comes to her duties. Her skill is what Heli likes about her (at least thats the main reaosn imo)
Last one, I was just being silly when I said I'll fight Diana for Heli jeez I'm not serious!

No, I get what you mean, Diana is definitely unprepared for the role she has and Heli hasn't really helped her get the education she needs for this role either (also Diana has a habit of burning bridges with people that can actually help her with this role like the head maid of Palace so it's definitely a problem contributed by both sides), what Heli is asking may not seem much to most modern audiences with education but is definitely a lot for any uneducated women who is suddenly thrown in a different class situation and dynamics. I just wanted to point out how rushed their relationship actually is that they can't even deal with the very first big fight.
As for Heli's slight crush on Hestia, it remains to be seen how it increases or decreases with time because the manhwa is changing things subtly from the novel as said by one of the commentors below, Kael himself seems are lot more mentally stable now compared to his Novel counter point. According to the novel spoilers that I have seen Heli's affection for Hestia were supposed to be somewhat like sibling affections but the manhwa is definitely hinting at something different, though the situation is still very ambiguous and can change at any time.
Also I completely get the joke, I just wanted to add my own cents in the discussion really.

And I agree w you somehow about both Heli and Diana not being ready to commit. The first sight of a disagreement and their relationship started to crumble lol
I read the novel many times and I never interpreted Heli's sudden attention to Hes as somewhat platonic. To me it's definitely more than platonic. There's attraction there for sure but not to the point of 'love' (like I said). Crush is the best way to describe it imo, a crush that stems from his admiration towards a strong willed woman like Hes (honestly, same. Kael and Heli def get it.)

Kael is too nice for his own good. First, he took all the blame for destroying the Ducal family that was pestering his friends, Heli and Diana. Now, even after all the happenings (aka their three-way... um, situationship lol) Kael still decided to help his (ex) friends in his own way.
For a character that decided to k word himself instead of taking revenge towards the ppl that wronged him, Kael wanting to just chill and live life w Hes now is so on-brand of his character lol
Thats also why I'm failing to understand some of you all's comments... Why are some readers hating him bcos he don't harbor ill intent (like Hes) towards Heli and Diana? You all prefer inconsistent writing just to satisfy your need for a quick dopamine boost?

Right?? Ppl are being so overly reactive rn simply bcos he wants to give his friends a second chance (like how Hes gave him a chance to want to live again)
They hate him?? Kael?? Theyre trying to shame the mentally challenged dude just cos he is seemingly getting better now? Weird arse behaviors if you ask me

A bit cringey at times but meh I read far stinky stories before. This one ain't bad.
The incestuous relationship (wc is a bait fyi) is a bit uncomfortable to read at first but later on, it's manageable. My years of experience in disassociating myself when I read def helps me a lot to cope faster w the plot.
Honestly, I like how the author decided to go for the (semi) reverse harem route. Did not expect that sp bcos readers nowadays are allergic to harem lol
But! I kinda wish they push the 'reverse harem' to its limit. Like, why use the multiple timeline bs? Just go all out in one timeline like a champ! Come on. You already wrote such crazy plot, whats stopping you to COMMIT to it?? Don't use shtty excuses to why theyre fcking eo. Give me pure insanity! Give me the spice! Give me the drama! Don't use the 'alternative universe' excuse to make your already fcked up plotlines less... Uh, Fcked. Don't give me the 'they MUST do it bcos fl might yadayadablahblah' bs embrace the chaos you started damn it!

Ok. I consider this series as one of my go-to rereads. Well, not bcos the story is SO great (orv level of greatness fyi) but BCOS I absolutely love the 4 main characters of the story, like, A LOT. Just analyzing their behaviors every reread is enough to fill me w contentment.
Not just the main couple, Hes and Kael, but also Heli and Diana. They act so... 'human', theyre multifaceted people and it's satisfying to see and judge their actions throughout the story.

Reading this week's chapter, I was thinkingggg WHAT IF we actually read Diana's story first? You know, her as the fml. See her as she kicks all the social barriers of a commoner and become the crown princess at the end? I feel like readers would symphatize w her more... Maybe some might call her a badarse bih as well idk... Readers like those kind of fml, right? (not me tho lol)
This is why some rofan relationships w only the 'love' of the fml and the ml keeping them together feels kinda shallow to me. Look how right after the Ducal family (og main villains of Diana's) were out of the pic and theyre now 'in peace', all the ACTUAL relationship flaws of eo (fml and ml) are being brought up... Why not in the main story? Oh right. They were TOO busy fighting for their 'love'...

Just bcos she's acting dumb doesn't mean she's not a layered character. Diana's inner conflict is great. I detest villains that do bad thing for the sake of... Well, being bad. You need to accept that she's NOT written simply like that.
The reasoning for her intrusive acts did not appear out of nowhere. Diana is losing control of the happy ending (she thinks) she tried so hard to build but sadly, she's not intelligent or witty enough to flip the situation to her advantage.
The fml Diana of the og story is known to be a kind person, she's used to ppl loving and adoring her. I gotta say, I bet she is kind by nature... deep inside at least... BUT bcos problems (again, like I said, she don't have the capability to handle) are hitting her left and right... Gosh. OF COURSE, a weak person like her will never cope. We are seeing a 'failed' fml scramble to do smth, anything, even stupid shts- to get back on her feet and prove her worth. To me, that's NOT a one track mind kind of character. Stupid and a try-hard, yeah. But a stale character? No.
I know that it's veryyyyy easy to hate on her but likeeeeeeeee it aint that hard to hate AND atst appreciate the way she was written, you know?

If I’m being completely honest, I didn’t get the abundant Hate on Diana ay first My understanding on the early chapters is Diana healed people but no longer tended to the sick afte she married Helios. Unless she made promises I didn’t really see why she was loathed for that. Didn’t she heal for free? She’s not obligated to heal people just because she has the power to… but i feel like I missed something…? Or I misunderstood.

Mhhhhhhhhhhh good point.
I think she solely focused on 'fixing' the nobles right after she get a much higher status than them. Diana definitely feels insecure towards the nobles bcos she came from the bottom. Her desire to force feed the rich her own lifestyle is making her lose her own customs... How ironic.
But well, at the end of the day even if she wanted to get back to healing the citizen eventually (after she's tired of annoying the nobles lol) she can't do that anymore. Bcos after the ending she's losing her healing powers gradually anyway. She's doomed to fall
YJH is so cute! My babygirl my soft cinnamonroll glitter fairy!
This arc is going to be the end of me I fcking swear... We are still at the beginning but my hands are already fcking shaking and I'm mentally and emotionally drained.