since the manhua reached this part already, i would recommend you all to read the novel, like seriously, it's peak. An Zhe is sillier and have more goofball energy and Lu Feng seems more approachable on An Zhe's side. also, the subtle foreshadowing is so so good and the dynamic between An Zhe and Lu Feng is to die for. story impacted me so hard I don't wanna spoil anything, I just want more people to read the novel ♪~(´ε` )
live laugh love Little Mushroom

to anyone following this topic that doesn't want to see any spoilers please skip
In the novel, the author likes to put emphasis on certain things that'll become important in the long run, almost every detail that is pointed out by a character regarding the world will appear important to the plot.
for the recent chapter, it is about human intelligence and the rain. Both in the manhua and in the novel An Zhe pointed out about how a rain is coming (in the novel An Zhe talked about it a little more), while Lu Feng talked about killing anyone infected is necessary so that human intelligence will never be gained by the monsters they face.
You might remember that the city defends itself from monster bugs with specifically tuned wave transmitters posted throughout the city. Now, they are weakened by the lost of several transmitters and the control center. I won't say much except waves behave differently both in speed and frequency
oh god they making me feel so single