sooooo my boy ended up being a bit of a psycho. he likes killing a lot and loves to see things in the colour blood red . . . like blood.
he takes out his earrings when he kills because he doesn't want something to get caught on them or have any extra identifying features. he already has to deal with the beauty mark under his eye. Also, you cannot ...... reply
ngl, this would basically be what I would look like. I actually plan on getting a monocle because I have one bad eye XD I wouldn't have as much confidence as this image radiates though :| reply
SOOOOOOO I have never tried to do this until now. MMMM and you see, I think I know why I never bothered. Besides never being curious about how it would feel to suck them, I cannot reach the stupid things anyway. Like, my neck hurts from trying to break it to reach and I still didn't make it : I couldn't imagine it really like feeling like much sinc...... reply
Hello hello~ I am *BLEEEEEP*!!! Ooops, I forgot that there is a censor on my personal information ^.^; Hmmm, what to do? Oh, you know what, you can just call me Kat as in kitkats or cats but with a k!!! ^_^ Telling my gender isn't a big deal so I think that will not be censored! I am a female and I live in *BLEEEEEEP*!! Oh, give me a second!! Okay....... reply