This was a good story at some point, then I started feeling that the script got kidnapped by someone else.
I wonder if the writer got crazy with the popularity or if the editor saw a capitalist opportunity to ruin it. Maybe both, maybe none.
Once they come back from the first survival run and Huisu simply told them they're characthers in a novel she wrote, it worked somehow even if the girls were skeptical in the beginning. (Lame award)
The author follows a pattern of throwing something abvious at us then creating other suspects, in the end the answer is always the obvious one for every twist. (Lame predictable award)
All that "friendship and will" talk from Huisu, but she couldn't help the characther she wronged the most because she was disgusted with the way SHE HERSELF wrote her. (Lame MC award)
Using pictures to describe the real world while the webtoon was drawn manga-like, just lazyly ruined the aesthetic every time. (Lame tackiness award)
Story made to surf the same wave as "Death's Game". (Lmae not even as original as it tries so hard to be, award)
Season 1 was gold, season 2 was a downhill to please the simple minded.
The challenge of writing isn't about reinventing the damn weel, is about counting the same story everyone knows (since there's no such thing as stories we don't know anymore) with your uniqueness in it.
Ok that was out of my chest.
Beautiful love story, zip your pants and read it with the heart, will you mfs?