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zombie created a topic of Shadow crown

This is one of the worst things I’ve wasted my time on omg….. I skimmed most of it and didn’t even touch the side stories (feel free to tell me if they had any redeeming qualities to cancel out the horror of the main story lol)

Um yeah…. What was that… Was this written by a child?

One of the thought bubbles of the MC at the end of main story: “He’s so perfect in every way except for his mental state. He’s the most handsome man in the world!” — basically this guy’s whole thought process throughout, ML is messed up but beautiful? Lmao

I only finished it because of my OCD to ~complete~ a story but I didn’t even fully succeed since I skipped the side chapters lol. Would’ve attempted if there was only 1 or 2 sides, but 18? NAH