If you were cheating on him just break up and leave him don't gang rape him bruh. I feel really bad for bruh, if I were him I would of hung myself.
One room at it is the most healthy and realistic bl ever
So umm rape is really bad.you should ask for consent
Lesson time(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
If someone is sleeping do you fuck them?
1. He'll no 2. Yes
If someone says stop in the middle of sex what do you do?!
1.stop and comfort 2. Keep going
If you do not consent but the other party is having a biological response?
1. Go for it 2.stop
What is the definition of CONSENT ?
If someone is intoxicated and you want sex what do you do?
1.dont do it and get them to a safe place 2.ask 3.go for it
Why are you smoking through robots the need for nicotine can not be that bad
Honestly I could just send it to clean the house and do laundry I would be set for life
I saw titans bride was ok and I was desperate for new manga but... ewww I feel so dirty
That was a little out of pocket but the arts cool and I would like to see this made into a manhwa with some chapters
The author had no business putting rape your own brother in there like substitute it for cut off a finger or loose a eye or your bro
At least there is no rape and they both legal plus younger dude wanted to start a relationship. Plz don't attack me I'm gonna forget about this. But if you have recs for old x old I would love someone to show me (●'◡'●)ノ
It was all funny and cool till the rape and it left a bad taste (I mean I rather eat ass again taste) I wish there wasn't rape
I ate a tub of bake beans and icecream then went on a jog and I'm in toilet hell
I know I might seem cringe but the most I see from a teacher is a cool uncle or aunt. It feels illegal seeing this like idk
I quite literally lost hope in the human race after reading the bone if adam