I’ve got some spoilers gals and gents!
So the Soviet Union (I’m calling Stupidshoe that because there’s no way in hell I can type and pronounce that name) even considered making trashy his royal booty call because 1) her beauty and 2) he believes that Navier is infertile. You see, when Navier and Soviet where little kids, they found these cookies and ate them, Navier eating a lot more than Soviet. Soviet’s mother, the current Empress found out and told him that those cookies were meant for Stupidshoe’s father’s consort who was pregnant at the time and those cookies have ingredients that cause miscarriages and symptoms like infertility. Stupidshoe, afraid that he might have gotten Navier in trouble, lied and said he ate them and the Empress sighed in relief. Now that Soviet “thinks” he knocked up Trashta, he will have a child that Navier will gladly accept....in what world does he live in...But anyway, it’s obvious that Navier wants nothing to do with Trashta or the child she’s carrying and I’m not sure if it was one of the Marquis or his secretary that told him that even if Navier still didn’t care for Trashta’s unborn child, that child wouldn’t be considered to be a legitimate heir to the throne because it was born out of wedlock/not the Empresses’ child. So Soviet has the “BRILLIANT” plan to divorce Navier, marry Trashta before she gives birth, wait a year after the child is born, divorce Trashta and wait for it...REMARRY NAVIER ONCE AGAIN. He went through all of these steps thinking he revolutionized the divorce industry BUT HE STILL LOST LOL. Also his plan had so many ways to backfire! Even if Navier still didn’t request to remarry Heinly, what made him think she would go through all the shame and disgrace just to end up being his wife again?! What if Navier asked to priest to never remarry or she became a nun or she left the damn country?! Man I’m sooo glad Heinly liked her and put a crown on Navi’s head and treats her like a real queen.
2020-08-05 19:28 marked
ughhhh that trashbich really getting on my nerve. I really hate homewrecker bish SHE DESERVE A HELL!!!!!!


So i read the korean novel on naver webnovel, and that shit sovieshit have the nerve to divorce navier bcs he want to force navier to be the empress mother of trashta daughter. That shit thought that navi will accept his idea and just stay silent, but thank authornim, karma bite his ass fufufufu

In the latest chapter, trashta agreed to take paternal test (bcs some nobles had doubt about the daughter paternity, mainly the reason is bcs the daughter appearance is truly similar with trashta) to prove thar her daughter is sovieshit's daughter. So she and soveshit take the paternal test with many nobles and high priest as eyewitness, and BOIII I LIKE THIS PART, the baby girl is proven to be trashta and allen's daughter, not sovieshit's daughter HAHAHAHAHA all her plan to be empress permanent is really small chance now....

While sovieshit is angry bcs the test result is insulting him, he is mad at trashta, at allen, and duke ergi have the balls to bring trasha son (that being hidden by viscount and allen) to the palace and say "well i gotta bring this little boy to meet his father and mother" trashta is shocked, she wail screaming "that is not true. Pls test one more, you gotta believe me" blablabla but sovieshit is like have enough, he left, and he is brooding over his plan now bcs everything seems backfire to him and he is like regretting his decision to divorcing navier, while navier is getting happy married to henley and they are busy flirting to each other ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Well this is my thought.
Both, sovieshit and navier ate the poison cookies in their childhood (the cookies contain formula that can make someone become infertile) so the reason navier isnt getting pregnant after all the years, it could be also sovieshit is infertile as well..
2020-08-05 19:27 marked
This webtoon recently finished on Naver, so... spoilers below. In my opinion, we could tag this as both shoujo and shounen ai (but not yaoi).
Boyfriend eventually decides that he wants to pursue a relationship even when his girlfriend is a guy, so they get back together. They have some lovey dovey moments, and all seems well... until their anniversary. While thinking back on their (original) times together, the boyfriend is again reminded of the differences between Jieun and Jihun, and he starts missing Jieun. He cries about it, and the girlfriend comforts him. Then she breaks up with him, because she doesn't want to cause her boyfriend any pain. For the time being, she decides to go back to her family. (Her siblings accepted her wholeheartedly.)

Girlfriend's friend lets the boyfriend know about this, and the boyfriend does some serious reflection. He realizes that he loves his girlfriend for who she is, regardless of gender, and chases after her. They make up, but she still has to go home for a bit because she's bought the train tickets, and her overprotective brothers will be super disappointed if she skips out.

It turns out that gender swapping is a family curse that happens to females when they find their true love. It's broken with the power of a true kiss (or when they fall out of love). So they kiss and the girlfriend returns to her original form. There's an epilogue of their photo album, and the album contains pictures from when she was both a girl and a guy.

It's not the most nuanced story in the world, but I wouldn't say that this webtoon is homophobic. It makes crude gay jokes, but it also features a character who falls in love with Jihun (aside from the boyfriend), and its ultimate message is that love transcends gender. Sure, she turns back, but the two of them have plenty of moments when they're both guys. Plus, even if their love sustains the trial, it'd still suck for Jieun to have to live in a body that's not consistent with her gender identity. There are slight hints here and there that beneath her smile, she's struggling as well.
2020-02-04 13:00 marked
I'm just gonna make my own ending

After that, Naruto went to recheck his condition with Tsunade -sama , sasuke waiting outside , apparently the baby is save (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Sasuke apologize to Naruto for not believing him , few days later news spread to the girls (Ten Ten, Ino , Hinata & Sakura ) they start asking Naruto how is it possible , and joking around with Naruto. Iruka , Kakashi, Jiraiya, Neji , Shinkamaru congrats Sasuke on becoming father.

10 months later Naruto gave birth to a boy in secret from outsider but only those who congrats them know about SasuNaru child , thus they live happily ever after

The End (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
2019-12-12 14:00 marked
I’m sorry, this isn’t abojt the manga but I’m looking for another manga that’s about a land god that takes a form of a dragon. He lands on this village and asks for a sacrifice but he only gets given a “young” boy. He then gets angry but is told that there are no women in town.
2019-12-03 04:51 marked
You guys are complaining about hyesung not loving dojin enough but he is pissed knowing his hubss was pushed to work without a rest. And that monologue if him saying he only see him on tv, getting worked up when people talk about dojin like he's still single

He does care about him. It's just not his personality to show it affectionately.
2019-10-09 19:25 marked
Hye-sung honey he is your husband okay^^ you have all rights that juciy giant alpha dick. make good use out of it. you are not perv (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
2019-10-09 19:24 marked
I laughed pretty hard at this
Because "blood is thicker than water" is just shortened slang for "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb"
Aka: Those you bleed for are stronger connections than those you share womb water with (family)
2019-10-07 13:14 marked
So I doubt this is going to be finished being translated so here are some spoilers:

Basically, as seen in the translated version the Uke (he's called Uke-kun by the mob but I forgot his name so...) falls in love with the Mob because he was called cute. The Mob's job is to rape the ukes to help the love story advance. The Uke was "saved" by the Mob because he called him cute and needed him, while the Mob was "saved" by the Uke because he didn't hate and loved him. While the bully (Seme-kun) is in love with the Uke, the setting is thrown off the track by the Uke falling in love with the Mob. To cut things short, the Mob tries to fix the story multiple times (sending pics/videos of the Uke to the Seme) but the Uke never gives up on his love for the Mob. Therefore in the end he tells the Uke that he doesn't need him anymore and throws him away. This was to help the Seme advance his love, but in the end the Uke never gave up on the Mob and decided that he'd rather die than live without him. **Also in the end the Seme (bully) ends up becoming a Mob, similar to the one that the Uke likes, and decides to treat them with "care" as he would treat the Uke.

All in all, messed up and twisted all the way.
2019-09-20 23:32 marked
" Idk where you learned how to do this shit but be a nice psycho and keep it to yourself." Yassssssssss go offfffffff ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
2019-08-24 04:20 marked
That whole team is fucking trash but that sulking, crybaby bitch is even worse. The bitch doesn't even know what she wants! stupid hoe. Even if she does like him, she wasn't standing up for him when that asshole and his whore were putting him down so she can go fuck a horse. Actually I'd feel bad for the horse, so she can go fall off a cliff, get hit by a truck into the ocean, drown and then beg for mercy. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 ugly ass crybaby BITCH U STUPID HOE.

Okey I'm calm now
2019-08-18 15:32 marked
IT's me again lol time for Spoiler


So basicly our MC fiola will be woke up after 20 years coma
But she will stay young
It because the poison that the heroine ( anne rose) give to her
Had other effect ( rejuvenation effect )

After anne rose poison her, she escape the kingdom and she is spy from another kingdom that been task to assassinate Fiola

At present time ( 20 years later )
After fiola woke up
The current king now is Vincent ( the third prince ) now he 27 years old
He apologize to her for what happen, and tell her that he still love him, his love is same like 20 years ago. ( but fiola cant accept it cause his family that made her coma for 20 years aka his stupid big bro oswald) if they married now, it will spark disagreement from noble and fiola father.

Oswald the first prince ( fiola fiance ) now been lock up for 20 years on the clock tower for his crime
( his state now, he become middle old man skinny to bone and he misunderstood that fiola still love him, he beg fiola to release him )
As for the second prince, he escape the kingdom and dont know his whereabouts

The late king is kinda dumb cuz got manipulate by anne but now he already dead

the current state of kingdom
After fiola been poisoned, izolte duke Went into rebelion and become izolte kingdom

They at war right now with the mc kingdom

Later fiola will solve this problem since the king of izolte is tyrant

" Gale empress fiola "

Then fiola began to track down all the people that support anne rose
And she track the whereabouts of anne rose

The knight son who keep helping Anne to escape now become thief etc

Present time fiola began. To punish and execute all the corrupt noble etc, that had connection with anne

One day the first prince oswald escape from the prison and, meet fiola
He still think that fiola love him, etc etc
He beg fiola to spare his life etc etc

But fiola feel disgusted toward him, he dont know the jewel that he got
Is some kind of bomb ( the knight son help oswald to escape and give him the jewel,
It was anne order to destroy the kingdom ) without oswald know
But of course our gale empress fiola neutralizes it lol

After that, it's first prince day of execution.

And fiola track down the knight son and capture him
( fiola use wind magic to fly away and catch up with him,
The knight son currently sailing on ship to other continents)

Later fiola found where the anne rose, and she began the plan of her revenge

She kinda shock when she see anne still look like 20 years ago
Young like 16 years old.
Later fiola found out that anne been using same medicine that poison her, to rejuvenate her beauty

Day of revenge come
Fiola vs anne.
And in here we know that anne is reincarnated person too
She kinda piss off, why the rival characters ( fiola )
Is more popular than her the heroine
( well she play the otome game but she dont brother to read the story and she skip the text lol )

Then battle of fiola & Anne,
anne keep saying she was heroine etc
Keep blaming fiola etc,
And she pour dark magic aura around her

Later since anne exhausted her magic power
She can't maintain her youth anymore
Her body and face become old and wrinkle

After that fiola is done with her and capture anne

To be continue to next arc
I still not finish read it
2019-07-24 16:02 marked
so kind of spoiler...

but this is angst with a happy ending. they couple loves each other so much but it's just a stupid misunderstanding. the novel has a main part and then a second part from the husband's perspective and other side characters as well. The wife loves the husband and thinks she's getting in the way of his happiness because of his cousin and his rumoured relationship. She acts like a bad woman trying to get a divorce so that the husband can pursue his so called lover. the husband is also hurting because he loves the wife so much but she is treating him coldly in order for him to divorce her. there was so much misunderstanding, tears, and drama until their happy ending but it's there! After reading the novel i kind of blame the cousin and the butler who turns out to be the one the cousin likes. They knew the main couple's misunderstanding with each other but selfishly keeps them in the dark. Don't get me wrong, they're not mean or "bad" characters or villains but the misunderstanding stems also from them (and obviously the clear lack of communication).

spoiler spoiler

in the last chapter of the main novel, the main couple gets back together and are happy. husband is very protective after all the mc had to go thorough and.......SHE'S PREGNANT ヾ(☆▽☆). hopefully author adds a few extra chapters about their family life
2019-07-21 13:48 marked
Hmmmm... violette accidentally used the hot-and-cold tactic on prince claudia; now the prince can't help but miss her. Well sorry bud, u can't have her, yulan deserves her better ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
2019-07-14 09:04 marked

So after opal see the husband teritory management and howbad it was
Opal decide to fix it, by taking it all
Yes opal get all his husband teritory by making his husband sign document of transfer wirhout him notice it..... when opal announch all the teritory and property belong to her
Ppl on mansion, maid, servant , butlet and his husband shock and turn pale

With opal suggestion he make his stupid husband go study again on uni or soemthing
And told his husband to work hard so he can buy back the teritory from her
And opal start manage to fix the teritory

3 years later the husband become better man and change, he slowly can brought back the land little by little and at the end

And now 7 years since opal married with his husband
After sometime his husband become good man and good at managing stuff and hardworker
The husband fell in love with opal and propose to her again since she the one that make him change to become better person
But opal refuse it and ask the husband to sign divorce contract
Opal ask didnt he love stella, but the husband reply I only see stella as a younger sister
But still opal want to be free
Since now she no longer have role to guide the husband

After that she make announcment at mansion to all ppl
That she and the husband divorce
And she told it with bright smile and so happy
Ppl on mansion that hear the annouchment dont understand why
At first servant etc dislike opal cause the rumor but after opal take all the property and fix all the problem on teritory all ppl began to like her

And the rumors about opal is sluty etc is clear now and her story that helping his husband become better man , become popular ( but yeah end up with both of them divorce)

So after that opal inhert her grandmonther will / teritory or something
And meet again with claude his childhood friend after long time

Ok the continue story
After opal meet claude again after so long
They recall all their childhood memories again
And claude propose opal
Will you marry me opal ?

Opal who hear that become so happy and cry
After waiting so long, now she can be with perwon she truly love

Clause ask opal to move with him to taisen kingdom
( I kinda lack understand in this part, claude seems like a! Big shoot at taisen kingdom
A duke?? Or family with hinger position on taisen kinhdom now )

After that claude and opal announch their engagement

Her ex husband that hear the news, ask opal father about its true or not
But opal father say dont mind her bussiness anymore
Go live for your family
( seems like opal ex husband keep searching for her and want to back with her )
Dunno if he give up at the end, but he now need to move forward for the family etc
( note : so he not marry stella and he fell in love with opal)

After the preparation done
Claude and opal move to taisen kingdom
And manage their new teritory

END OF main chapter arc


2019-07-10 14:09 marked
i love this, but at this point the name should be Here We Go Again instead of See You Again.
2019-02-24 15:25 marked
2019-02-23 11:11 marked
Here's more for seki sabato. Very erotic dicks and assholes

2019-01-02 10:20 marked

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