.... Damn the minipulation skills I can totally see teh bottom thinking that the other guy is bad and that he should love this guy cuz he didn't get angry even when his hand got burned cuz of him and I can totally see them bathing together I just don't hope he is li3k hey I can't masterbate cuz of thsi help me
Omgggg Just let the egg hatchhh bro I am cryinggggg I am banging my head on my pillow and the wall.... Like at this rate the straw hats will find open piece before the egg hatches like I am so sure at this point that even koichi is crying and banging his head on the wall tierd brooo I am sure he is cursing cauis behind the scenes and even telling his life is so fucked up brook I am sure even koichi is tierd of all the sex every single chapter like bro why caius so horny always
.....ummm my guess he hypnotized the sunbea and then someone else make them fuck and make the uke stumble upon them then the uke come to that guy crying he comfert him and then fuck him and then yeaaa mhmmm justice served even though it's not really justice just torture.........but anyway...did he actually fall in love like bro talk in loveee himmm omg why ......why do I kinda feel bad for him(not the uke)....but I know this phyco gonna make things more complicated idk why I am still here decently not for reading love that is it's cuz i will want to listen to my dark thoughts.....(The theory is just my guess tbh my dark thoughts don't get offended pls)
OK this is li3k me touching grass after a long time of reading messed up shit