If you want feedback, use Webnovel. They have a whole review trade thing there I think, unless they changed it. Just so you know, you cannot delete stories off of webnovel, but you can delete your account if you contact customer service. If you just want people to read it, ao3. ao3 has a section for originals. If you really want people to read it......
you are only reading surface level stories and then forming a bad faith opinion about the whole genre. there are so many beautifully written, nuanced and varied gl works in existence that capture the lesbian experience. unfortunately people are prioritising spreading misinformation about the genre rather than actually engaging with yuri. READ JW......
gachiakuta barbarian quest ajin historie days blue giant glaucos adekan all you need is kill robot x laserbeam agravity boys mayonaka no occult koumuin kasane i am a hero apocalypse no toride boys run the riot smokin parade act out
Best platform to write and publish story on?