First off, I wish I was there to help Haesso figure out stuff about relationships. When he said "is this how you act in a regular relationship" I wanted to tell him, don't try to act like your in a "regular relationship". Especially in a gay relationship, it's going to be a little different to cishet relationships. But anyways, if you want a "regular relationship" do what ever you feel is right in that relationship, you don't have to question everything you do or say. Just do what you want to do.
No. Yoonbum is a stalker, broke into Sangwoo's home. Sangwoo is a psychotic asshole, who happens to be attractive. What I believe is, 상우 only "loved" and held 윤범 hostage because he reminded him of his mother. [I read 90% of this manhwa) What do you think?
I feel like Yoon Bum developed Stockholm Syndrom. At first, he's a major stalker who loves Sangwoo indirectly. I believe the first half was a onesided love. Then when he broke in and all of that shit happens Yoon Bum fears him. This is the part where he develops Stockholm syndrome. Even though he's been captured or whatever he still loves him and thinks he's being treated pretty good. Sangwoo on the other hand hasn't felt love in a long time. I believe Sangwoo was not in love rather deceived of thinking that the motherly type of love Yoon Bum was giving him was real love.
Definitely Stockholm Syndrome.
Damn. Agreed.