Skylar NEVER liked Chan-li. He didn’t even know the boy, he most definitely liked the idea of Chan li but never directly liked him, he saw Chan li as this perfect knight in shinning armor and not as someone with their own thoughts and feelings. With Cirrus it’s quite the opposite which makes their relationship seem so genuine and raw, from the get go Skylar could tell that cirrus was on another level of freaky shit, and instead of exposing him or idk getting a restraining order against him, Skylar decided to understand and see Cirrus as a person and not just a thought, instead of trying to change Cirrus he accepted him and even consumed the same freaky shit cirrus had going on (not that Skylar wasn’t freaky enough before ). So no bby. Skylar will not change Cirrus for Chan li. Chan li can’t handle that much freakishness. It’s like a Victorian child trying Taco Bell’s Baja blast for the first time, that Baja blast will kill the child just like the freakishness will kill Chan li.