I hear you guys but Nine crying like a baby all the time... Well some find it cute, I find it annoying ^^' Although it makes sense that he doesn't help her since he doesn't agree with her plan.
Also I don't like being told what to do either so I'm with Melissa on this one. Let the woman do her thing! (meaning teaching lessons to obsessive males leads :3)

I know but you see Melissa isn't a fool like she said. If she knew it will failed when bother right? They trusted her because they also know it will work if not they are capable enough to make things get on the right track again. Is it hard to support someone you love? Trust is a important recipe of love right? Does not Nine trust Melissa? He's sweet and cute, I know but it sometimes suffocating and it is not good.

Well, it is annoying to be reprimanded everytime. It's suffocating. Does Nine not trust Melissa? Is it hard for him to support her instead? Melissa is a strong character not reckless. She said herself she is not a fool. Even annoying female on harem mangas trust the MC because it is the right thing to do if you really love a person. I know Nine worries about her cause he loves her i get it but him sulking instead of helping her is ANNOYING! I don't hate Nine okay. Let's just stop and see what will happen next. Peace (⌒▽⌒)v
Maybe I could overlook the syntax if the drawings were really good but they're pretty average... so I guess I'll wait for a better translation if there is one someday