KORYY!! WHO WANTS TO ASSEMBLE A FAN CLUB JUST FOR KORY ?????just me ?ok I'll just cry myself in the corner (TДT)

..............................................then wut if I said I like to keep the people I hate as hostages (this is just my imagination not rl......probably) and skin them or chop them up into little pieces then feed the little pieces to the other hostages and more but my fav one got to be when I take their eyeballs out and feed it to my future dog ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

My daddy reeeeeeeeally likes to torture people like irene .I just hope that she will die so she could go to the place where my dad is(#3#)

At first it was fake sweetness and just being greedy for the spot of the empress but then she actually fell in love with him because of all the different sides he showed to her. Then she decided that nobody would steal him away even if it meant doing misdeeds. And the only one who has a chance is the mc. And part of it is becauseshe was bullied by mc but thats only like 20 percent of the reason she decided to bully mc
Yes daddy please tear that bitch up