Chris Hansen here. The user below @MorningDiamonds is a confirmed and self proclaimed child groomer and rape defender. Who knows what else he has committed outside of Mangago. He has a multitude of alt accounts notablely Morning diamonds, Aloha, Tmsmyz, Manhwaspicy, assertive tigritude to name a few of dozens. He is not happy about being exposed again as you can witness his tantrums across his alts one by one. Chris Hansen out.
Chris Hansen here. The user below @SafetyAdvocate is a confirmed and self proclaimed child groomer and rape defender. Who knows what else he has committed outside of Mangago. He has a multitude of alt accounts notablely Morning diamonds, Aloha, Tmsmyz, Manhwaspicy, assertive tigritude to name a few of dozens.
Crying and throwing a tantrum alone down there is far better than wasting that time grooming minors. Successful catch this episode. Chris Hansen out.