Can someone recommend me manhwas like "rainbow city" and "little mushroom"

omg I’m blushing TEEHEE *pulls out ring* /j
Thrive in Catastrophe (on manhuahot)
(But bbfr, you can’t just pull out 2 of the most well written post apocalyptic BLs known to mankind and be like “similar recs?” That’s like impossible) but try “ thrive in catastrophe”
It’s their love child.
Some people may say “monster in the mist” buuuuut mmmmm eh

Have you read these two yet?

its not as deep as either of those stories but the setting is similar and the character dynamic is very cute!

Can anyone please recommend me that os good i mean after reading it your face would be like wow. Plz im kinda feeling down
It can be any genre

Read these two in this specific order, tho not a sequel they're kinda connected, also don't be put off by the art at the start, it changes for the better in just a few chapters :
Song of Reverberation
The Promise
I have an exam on 13th, the subject human anatomy, but somehow i am craving BL and I don't know what to do.l was studing peacefully until i reached the genitals UMMM so now i wannaa read BL so baaadly that i cant study anymore.....
So a little request for you guys to recommend me something like rainbow city you know the plot would be like rainbow city because i cannot focus until i read something.
Thankyou so much and ignore my english
These are some of my recs
The last zombie
Undead (Fumi TSUYUHISA)
Zombie Hide Sex
Also all the best for your exams! Don't stress too much!
I have already read that but thank you so much
THANK YOU SO MUCH you are the only one who wished me best luck. My mother doesn't even know i have an exam
Thank you for recommendations. My heart is finally at peace
I’m taking human anatomy in the spring, how’s it treating ya, is it hard??
Try to score good marks otherwise you'll be in trouble if your mother finds out(≧∀≦)
This is a Manhua but the storyline is quite good and similar to rainbow city, with dystopian military rule. You can find more chapters on other sites although the translations is hot garbage.
Wish me luck for that too i am trying so hard to keep this a secret because is she gets to know she'll start nagging.
It is not that hard if you are interested in it like me. But if you loose a little bit of focus while understanding the structures, anatomy, functions e.t.c it will become your major reason to KILL yourself because you will never be able to understand it again and it is my experience
Its like that for me but people have different minds and capabilities i don't know about that.
And best of luck!
And also it made me loose 4 kgs in 2 fucking months
Thank you so much I'll definitely read it