BlueberryWolf February 5, 2025 6:12 am

Reading this comment section gives me headache. I get both sides but even if one side is correct or not. This is fiction that is based on fictional land in diffrent time than ours. And there is many, MANY stories that have way worse setting than this one, so why is it that this comment section is do bad...

    Grey February 5, 2025 7:19 am

    My guess is
    - in worse settings, everyone can generally agree it's bad/unhealthy
    - bc this is better than that, some people gloss over the red flag part
    - so the comments are fighting bc folks tend to be all-in or all-out and have a hard time just acknowledging this has some red flags AND is still an entertaining and lighthearted story

    BlueberryWolf February 5, 2025 8:11 am
    My guess is- in worse settings, everyone can generally agree it's bad/unhealthy- bc this is better than that, some people gloss over the red flag part- so the comments are fighting bc folks tend to be all-in or... Grey

    Yeah, that's accurate. And it's probably because people read "worse" stories like that they think the worst when reading "light hearted" stories. But I guess that it's the point if those worse stories. They make all the signs so obvious that they can't be ignored. When it isn't as obvious that makes people think. And usually in those stories it whole point of it. In cases like this, the author might not even consider grooming might become problem in this case.

    BlueberryWolf February 5, 2025 8:15 am
    My guess is- in worse settings, everyone can generally agree it's bad/unhealthy- bc this is better than that, some people gloss over the red flag part- so the comments are fighting bc folks tend to be all-in or... Grey

    I think most people in this story don't like the fact that the ml fell in love with mc when he was so young. While the age gap of 6 years seems big when they are children won't really matter when they are adults. And if you think about it the both were children even if there was age gap. I mean I read that grooming can happen even if the are both children but still...If they met now when the story started when they were 24 and 30 it wouldn't be so bad. If the were around same age this even wouldn't probably be a problem at all. Other two thing are that the ml is the one in higher position and his personality is more dominant. Would this be problem if the mc was the older one? Or if the mc was the king/emperor? What do you think, would that change things? The problems would be the same?

    Grey February 5, 2025 8:53 am
    I think most people in this story don't like the fact that the ml fell in love with mc when he was so young. While the age gap of 6 years seems big when they are children won't really matter when they are adult... BlueberryWolf

    Tbh agree that there is often a misogynistic tilt towards how people interpret BL dynamics - there's a story I was following (omegaverse) when one was very drunk and the other was in heat, so ultimately neither was capable of consenting, but everyone was slamming the drunk one (top) anyways. Not sure how I feel about that still, and I'm not sure how changing the dynamic might change this story's interpretation, either. Maybe a couple fewer arguments.

    In this case, I lean towards it fitting the definition of grooming - because like you mentioned, grooming behaviors are not necessarily limited to adult/child. It's less about the age gap (though that is a factor - there's a huge maturity difference between kids, less so in adults) and a lot more about how ML got MC used to a lot of intimate behavior without MC realizing it was intimate, even if it's relatively benign (i.e. treats ML's physical affection as normal/expected, like when he thought holding hands was required in the palace - it's not bad, but ML did lie/manipulate MC into physical affection without MC realizing). Agree that what was sketchy about them as kids would've been ok if they met as adults - and this is bc of how young ML kind of shaped MC to behave a certain way with him. Ofc ML doesn't intend to take advantage of MC! But the pattern does match grooming behavior. Idk if the author meant it to or not lol

    If you're interested in learning more, I might recommend looking up 'grooming behavior' just bc I think it's important to recognize. I still like this story, think it's cute, and intend to keep reading, but the red flags still exist

    Grey February 5, 2025 8:56 am
    I think most people in this story don't like the fact that the ml fell in love with mc when he was so young. While the age gap of 6 years seems big when they are children won't really matter when they are adult... BlueberryWolf

    If it helps, this is coming from someone who actually had a perfectly healthy relationship w a 30yo at 24yo. But it still would've been hella inappropriate if we had established a relationship (even if just friendly) when I was 14yo (middle school) and he was 20yo (college) and later became a relationship

    BlueberryWolf February 5, 2025 9:55 am
    Tbh agree that there is often a misogynistic tilt towards how people interpret BL dynamics - there's a story I was following (omegaverse) when one was very drunk and the other was in heat, so ultimately neither... Grey

    I agree with you on that it probably fits with the grooming. After reading first arguments in comment section I did look up grooming more so I could understand it better. I do look up thing from time to time when reading. But I have tendency to binge read so sometimes things get past me if I read too fast. But honestly there was lot of red flags. I mean obsession is already one but with all other ones like the kidnapping and the handholding like you said. And honestly at this point many of these things has become norm in many stories so many people don't make a so much noise when they come up.

    Like there is this tv show in my country right now that has many people reeling because there is so much things like rape and incest in it. Some people just can't stand it and other people binge watch it. I think it was based in 1920 or something. I haven't watched it but my aunt has. It just shows what kind of lives some people may have had. Some counties still have these kind of things happen. And I don't even want to imagine what happens behind closed doors in my country, because things that I have read or watched may happen anywhere. But honestly I have been watching lot of true crime podcasts lately. Those things are messed up...

    BlueberryWolf February 5, 2025 10:22 am
    If it helps, this is coming from someone who actually had a perfectly healthy relationship w a 30yo at 24yo. But it still would've been hella inappropriate if we had established a relationship (even if just fri... Grey

    I agree. And this bought to my mind that I have actually seen what you said happen, it has just been so long that I didn't think about it and I haven't been in contact with person involved in years.

    I was friends with this girl who was couple years older than me. We were neighbours and her parents were divorced so she only came around like couple of times a month to visit her father in weekends and holidays. We went to same school it had all nine grades in same building. (It was small school, about 200 students) so we saw each other more when I started school. And then she started to have strange obsession about busses. I think she was around 15 at the time. I didn't think about it at the time because her father was a buss driver so she could have just liked buses right? (And honestly she did like them, she still likes them she is bus driver right now) But I later got to know that she had a thing with older bus driver. I think I saw them talking sometimes. I don't remember how old he was but he was at lest 5 to 10 years older. I think. Later when she was 18 she even introduced him to my family because we were really close back them. But every body hated him. We just got that weird feeling of him. I think I saw him even before that and thought it as weird. They did break up couple of years after. No idea why because we weren't as close after we went to diffrent schools. But yeah it was red flag and I even recognised it even if I didn't know why it was weird at the time.

BlueberryWolf February 2, 2025 3:51 pm

They skipped the training montage and expect us to ignore it. Nope. I'm out.

BlueberryWolf November 10, 2024 12:02 pm

I was not expecting that... ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
But I ain't complaining

BlueberryWolf October 13, 2024 2:49 am

I think boss was doing to betray all of them and handsome noticed it and then doubled it down to save snow. And because of that there is going to be huge misunderstanding between them.
I think that would be the usual plot. But maybe that's what they want you to think... Oh well... we will see about that soon enough...

    4ki October 13, 2024 8:01 am

    I like how there are 99% chances you guess it all. So predictable, but I like that shit

BlueberryWolf January 4, 2024 10:01 am

Half way into the chapter... Me: Oh Yeah! I know where this is going... (=・ω・=)

BlueberryWolf July 5, 2021 9:28 pm

It's so fluffy I'm gonna DIE!!!!
⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

BlueberryWolf February 10, 2021 4:01 pm

Ooh my... god!!! (⊙…⊙ )

BlueberryWolf November 19, 2020 5:32 pm

So I have few theories and thoughts...
There are few mysteries that haven't been answered in the manga so I have few theories about them

1. Why did Sullivan adopt Iruma

I think there has to be reason why Sullivan adopted Iruma besides his parents selling him. Even Opera was questioning him about it at some point.

2. And where is the Demon king

Is there possibility that these two things are connected?

So... My theory is that him adopting Iruma has something to do with the Demon king. Either the demon king is or was a human. Or Iruma is his relative or something. Or it could be both. Or if the demon king is dead like the the bad guy said, Iruma could be his reincarnation. And if the demon king was human it makes sense that he's dead if he has the humans lifespan... But there is also possibility that he was a human who turned into demon...
And there is whole thing with demon kings ring...

So many mysteries!!!

What do you think? (=・ω・=)

    Saggy tiddy November 19, 2020 5:38 pm

    Yessssss!! There must be a reason why the ring chose him. Even Sabnok said that the ring chose previous demon kings (or something along that line).

    Idk___lmao November 19, 2020 6:06 pm

    Dude I had almost the exact same thoughts like why iruma and is connected to something or someone important you wouldn't just adopt some random human

    sammy November 19, 2020 8:11 pm

    the demon king prophecy said that the next maou would come from a foreign land so iruma has the first criteria, and next the ring of solomon is actually disguised as the glutonous feeder ring so iruma has fulfilled another criteria. and yes i think there's something special about iruma apart from the fact that he's iruma, sullivan must have had a special reason for choosing iruma. i mean demons are naturally stronger than humans but iruma can keep up with their daily life and their extremes without suffering any physical or mental issues hence he's a special human to begin with cos if the prophecy just said any human sullivan would have taken any other human ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    slif November 19, 2020 9:21 pm
    the demon king prophecy said that the next maou would come from a foreign land so iruma has the first criteria, and next the ring of solomon is actually disguised as the glutonous feeder ring so iruma has fulfi... sammy

    i think sullivan didnt go search out for him specifically and that iruma just happened to be at the right place at the right time that fufilled the conditions that sullivan was looking for such as being strangely resilient. and iruma just so happened to be a door mat and cant say no and fufill the demon king conditions.

BlueberryWolf September 17, 2020 2:55 pm

My reaction to this chapter:

Oh... This is went surprisingly well...

Everybody still alive... Good job!!!

Grandpa and Legosi... Cute...

Legoshi and Louis... Yes! The Best boys are Ok. And being cute ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

(Me in fale sense of security and in the minddle of fluff cloud)

Melon bites Yafya...


GOD DAMMIT MELON!!! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

BlueberryWolf September 14, 2020 11:24 am

My verdict... THEY HAVE ISSUES!!!

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