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oldteal created a topic of Honey Trouble

If the author wanted to make porn, should've stuck to a short story. This attempt of plot sucks ass, and the characters are insufferable. Pretty privilege won't save you from me hating.
Jiheon isn't only a pussy for not confessing, not making his actions nor feelings clear but also a pussy for always blaming Wooju for everything, even with stuff HE IS AWARE Wooju DOESN'T KNOW (like how many times will he blame Wooju over pheromones shit when HE KNOWS Wooju physically CANT sense) Yes, you're childhood friends, want a fuckin medal? like that gives him the entitlement of being a violent fucker... I can forgive some "possessiveness" in some stories (with actually interesting characters and plot) but bro hasn't even confessed, doesn't even make an attempt to share anything to Wooju about himself and idk if yall remember but this story started with him totally LYING about his LESBIAN cousin being interested in pegging men so he could make advances on his dumbass friend, manipulating him. And now the author is hinting some trauma/ptsd for what? make us understand this fuckass's reasoning? Make us feel bad for some rapist? (he said OUT LOUD how he wished Wooju was an omega so he could force himself into Wooju, without Wooju having a chance of resisting- aka, i wish i could rape you without trouble) Yeah, boohoo, your mama doesn't love you, ueee ueee so sad, you're still a rapist and a bitch. The irony in how these "Alphas" and main leads are often portrayed as so masculine bad ass machos but actually have the mental and emotionally capability of a toddler... And no, that doesn't make them cute, they're just immature dumb fucks.
In terms of Wooju as a character I simply feel bad, he is written to be this clueless/stupid and he also doesn't have opportunity to be something else besides Jiheon friend and obsession (the author doesn't want him to be anything else, even when we have a glimpse to his own interests is because the author wanted to add another "hot alpha" for jealousy plot points). Plus, it's clear since chapter one he has a crush/feelings towards Jiheon, so it doesn't matter what shit happens, he will always forgive him. And i doubt the author will magically make a 180° flip and not make them end up together. We all seen it multiple times, all these explicitly sexual BLs are all the same in the end: if we are lucky enough there will be an actual "break up" time, probably time skip, maybe one chapter for "redemption" (good luck with that with this psycho) and then yay "happy" ending.
I would give it time since it isn't complete but is really frustrating, and there's isn't much actual plot to care enough about anyone here. Professor daddy could've been good but the author couldn't resist themselves and had to make them a weirdo, not even in an interesting way just plain "oooh look at this sexy piece of meat, well you're lucky because he's actually interested in you!!!!" like damn, at least give it more than 10 chapters (the instant need for gratification is loud on this one) Yes, he is a weirdo, he knew Wooju was his fan and took advantage of his position as both his professor and boss... and yet SOMEHOW THAT DOESN'T MAKE HIM AS BAD AS THE MAIN LEAD.
1/10, and 100 kicks in the face for Jiheon please.